
  • 网络Distribution processing;circulation processing
  1. 其主要服务内容包括:物流、流通加工、融资、评估、监管、资产处理、金融咨询等。

    Its main services include : logistics , distribution processing , financing , evaluation , monitoring , asset handling , and financial consulting .

  2. 物流是由运输、保管、装卸搬运、包装、流通加工、配送和信息管理等环节组成的一个系统工程。

    Logistics is a systematic link which is consisted of transportation , storage , loading and unloading , packaging , distribution processing , distribution and information management .

  3. 在各个市县一级的行政单位分别建立二级FDC,其主要职能就是:短期仓储、果蔬流通加工、中转运输。

    Establish a second class FDC in each administrative unit of towns . Their main functions are short-term storage , circulation and process and transfers .

  4. 因此,贮藏蛋白,特别是高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)高效鉴定技术的建立对小麦品质改良以及流通加工等领域都具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is highly important to develop more powerful techniques for the separation and characterization of wheat glutenins , especially for the high molecular weight glutenin subunits ( HMW-GS ) .

  5. 多模式下水泥流通加工中心选址研究

    Research on the Positioning of Concrete Circulating Processing Center under Different Patterns

  6. 通过计算,得出了第三方仓储公司在离散随机仓储需求和确定的总加工能力配置情况下,流通加工能力分配方案。

    Capacity allocation policy is determined by calculation , with stochastic warehousing demands and invariable process ability scheme .

  7. 本文认为,物流技术创新涉及经营管理和工具、装备、设施等领域,包括运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、配送、流通加工、信息等。

    The author points out that technology innovation of logistics involves the fields of operation , management , tools , and equipment .

  8. 物流系统的基本功能有:运输、储存保管、包装、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送、物流信息等。

    And the essential function is as following : transportation storage package loading and unloading processing ~ dispatching and the information of logistics .

  9. 汽车物流是集运输、仓储、装卸搬运、包装、产品流通加工、配送及物流信息于一体的综合性管理。

    The automobile logistics is the integrative management of transportation , storage , loading and unloading , carrying , product processing , distribution and logistics information .

  10. 现代物流业是整合了运输、仓储、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送等的新型服务业。

    Modern logistics which integrates transport , storage , loading and unloading , handling , carrying , packaging and processing is one kind of the new services .

  11. 仓储活动除以商品入库验收,储存保管和出库供应为主外,还包括包装、流通加工、分拣、配送和运输等。

    Except checking and accepting , storing and keeping , taking and supplying merchandise , the process of storage includes packing , processing in circulation , selecting and transportation .

  12. 根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送和信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合。

    According to the practice demand , executes the basic function of transportation 、 inventory 、 stowage 、 portage 、 package 、 circulate manufactures distribution and information treatment to organic joint .

  13. 成品油物流是由储存、运输、配送三大主要功能和包装、装卸搬运、流通加工和信息处理四个辅助功能构成的。

    Logistics of refined oils includes three major functions ( storage , transportation and distribution ) and four minor functions ( package , loading and unloading , processing and information processing ) .

  14. 为了满足集装箱运输的需求,我国的港口设备与布局已日趋合理,枢纽港群的设备已达到国际水平,为集装箱的装卸、运输、储存、包装、搬运、流通加工提供着高质量的服务。

    The equipment of groups of pivotal ports , which provide high quality services for container loading , unloading , storage , transportation , packing and handling , could reached the international level .

  15. 传统物流管理通常习惯于把物流运作划分为运输、储存、搬运、装卸、流通加工及信息处理等六个功能,这种习惯容易造成物流管理的功能导向。

    Traditional theory divided the logistics into transportation , storage , packaging , assembling , circulate processing and logistics information processing six functions , etc. This classification easily leads to function-oriented logistics management .

  16. 物流业是一个综合性很强的行业,它涉及运输、包装、仓储、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送和信息等各个方面。

    The logistics industry is a comprehensive trade , it involves transportation , package , storage , loading and unload carrying , circulating in such all respects as processing , providing and delivering and information , etc.

  17. 全球物流是在市场竞争、区域经济一体化、信息和通讯技术发展的背景下产生的。其基本功能包括运输功能,保管和流通加工功能、装卸功能等。

    Global logistics has formed in the development of market competition , area economy integration , IT and communication technology , Which functions as transportation , safekeeping , circulation , processing , loading and unloading , etc.

  18. 物流并非是一个严格意义上的专门行业,它是运输、包装、仓储、装卸/搬运、流通加工、配送和信息处理等各个行业的综合和系统化。

    Logistics is not a proper industry , but an integration system of many other industries such as transportation , packaging , storage , load and unload / conveying , circulation processing , distributing and information processing .

  19. 物流园区是物流系统中重要的节点,承担了大部分的物流活动,是物流仓储、集配和流通加工等的重要枢纽。

    The logistics park is an important node in logistics system , which undertakes most of the logistics activities . The logistics park is an important hub for logistics , warehousing , centralized distribution and distribution processing .

  20. 而其它物流活动,如储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等,都是在物流节点上完成的。

    Meanwhile , other logistics activity , such as storing , loading and unloading , flitting , packaging , processing , distribution , information processing etc. , all of those to be completed on the logistics node .

  21. 经济和科技的发展需要的不是一个功能单一的运输企业,而是能够实现现代运输、配送、信息网络、仓储管理,流通加工等一体化服务的物流企业。

    The development about economy and technology don 't need a transportation enterprise with single function but a enterprise which can integrate several service including modern transportation . distribution , information network , warehouse management and distribution processing , etc.

  22. 作为一项系统工程,物流系统对环境的扰动主要体现在包装、运输、储存保管、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送以及物流信息等方面。

    As a system engineering , the disturbance of system of products circulation to environment mainly reflects in such aspects : package , transporting , storing , loading and unloading , disposing , circulation and improving , products circulation information .

  23. 现代物流是指以现代信息技术为基础,整合运输、包装、装卸搬运、储存、流通加工、配送、信息理等各种功能而形成的综合性物流活动模型。

    Modern Logistics refers to the modern information technology , integration of transport , packaging , handling , storage , circulation processing , distribution , information and justifications for various functions such as the formation of integrated logistics activities model .

  24. 汽车零部件物流中心是集运输、仓储、装卸搬运、流通加工、包装、配送及物流信息等功能于一体的现代化物流综合体系,是汽车零部件物流的必然选择。

    Automobile Parts Logistics Center is the inevitable choice of automobile parts logistics , and it is a modern integrated logistics system combining the transportation , storage , handling , processing , packaging , distribution and logistics information and other functions .

  25. 物流的构成包括:商品的运输、配送、仓储、包装、搬运装卸、流通加工,以及相关的物流信息等环节;其中,运输和仓储是物流系统的两大最基本的支柱子系统。

    The composition of logistics include : goods transport , distribution , packaging , transportation and handing , distribution process , and related logistics information links , in which transport and warehousing logistics system is the most fundamental pillars of the two subsystems .

  26. 仓储搬运系统是衔接物流中心进货、储存、分拣、流通加工、配送等环节,使物流服务得以实现,进而使得整个物流系统运转的一个重要部分。

    The handling system is the interface between the processes of purchase , storage , sorting , distribution processing and distribution , etc. in logistics center . It is the key part in the realization of logistics services and operation of the entire logistic system .

  27. 南宁绿色物流体系的基础发展战略是可持续发展型绿色物流体系的跨越战略,四大支持战略分别是绿色运输体系发展战略、绿色包装体系发展战略、绿色流通加工发展战略和绿色废弃物物流发展战略。

    The basic strategy of Nanning green logistics system is leap-fogging strategy , and four supportive strategies are the strategy of green transportation system , the strategy of green packaging system , the strategy of green machining system and the strategy of green logistics of castoff .

  28. 物流指物体从供应地到接收地的实体流动过程,中间包括采购、运输、配送、流通加工、仓储以及信息流动等环节,从物流的定义可以看出,物流贯穿在社会活动的各个方面。

    Logistics refers to the flow of the receiving entity objects from suppliers , including procurement , transportation , distribution , circulation , processing , storage and so on . From the definition of logistics , we can see logistics throughout the various aspects of social activities .

  29. 绿色物流就是以降低对环境的污染、减少资源消耗为目标,利用先进物流技术规划和实施运输、仓储、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送、包装等物流活动的过程。

    Green logistics is to reduce the environmental pollution and reduce resource consumption as the goal , USES the advanced logistics technology planning and implementation of transport , storage , loading / unloading , circulation processing , distribution and so on packing , the process of logistics activities .

  30. 随着我国加入WTO后市场国际化进程的加快,大豆及其制品产业链中越来越多的生产、流通、加工等企业已直接面对国际竞争并陷入价格波动风险之中。

    With development of market internationalization after China entry into the WTO , enterprises of produce . circulation and process in industry chain of soybean and it 's products face international competition involved in risk of price wave .