
hǎi shāng fǎ
  • maritime law
海商法[hǎi shāng fǎ]
  1. 提高《海商法》课程教学效果之路径

    The Way to Increase the Teaching Effects of Maritime Law Course

  2. 论海商法中的船舶留置权

    Some Views on the Possessory Lien on Vessel in Maritime Law

  3. 第三,我国海商法理论界对“documentoftitle”含义观点不一。

    Thirdly , there is a controversy about the concept of " Document of Title " in the academic field in our country .

  4. 本论文基于韩礼德与哈桑于1976年在CohesioninEnglish中提出的衔接理论对海商法的翻译进行研究。

    The study is based on the cohesion theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan in Cohesion in English ( 1976 ) to analyze the translation of Maritime Law .

  5. 根据我国《海商法》关于托运人的定义,FOB术语买方和卖方都具有运输合同的托运人法律地位。

    Both the buyer and the seller in FOB contract are shipper according to the definition of shipper in CMC .

  6. 尽管FBL与中国《海商法》的法律地位截然不同,但在具体内容上,两者具有一定程度的可比性。

    Although the legal status of that of FBL is far from CMC , there are some comments on the analogies between them in a sense .

  7. 但是由于我国《海商法》第42条关于托运人定义规定的缺陷,致使在我国进出口贸易实践以及司法实践中,对FOB合同项下卖方的权利存在许多的和争议。

    However , In our " Maritime Law " the 42nd item , the definition of shippers has some defects , which results in the confuse and dispute on sellers ' rights in FOB contract .

  8. 在这类案件中,承运人明显违反《海商法》第78条i的规定,那么FOB卖方是否有权依《海商法》第78条向承运人主张无单放货法律责任呢?

    Under this kind of cases , the carrier obviously infringes the provision of article 78 of " China Maritime Codes ", is FOB seller entitled to require the carrier to undertake the legal liability in accordance with " China Maritime Codes " article 78 ?

  9. 试论民法损害赔偿之因果关系在海商法中的意义

    Causality of Civil Law Indemnity and Its Significance in Maritime Law

  10. 论海上重复保险&兼论对我国《海商法》第225条的修改

    On Marine Double Insurance & Revision of the Art.225 of CMC

  11. 第一批中世纪海商法即出现在这个时期。

    The first medieval maritime laws just appeared during that time .

  12. 中国《海商法》下承运人对托运人的运费追偿权

    On the Carrier 's Right of Claiming Freight from the Shipper

  13. 被视为灭失货物再现的海商法空白点&对《海商法》第50条修订的建议

    Question of Reappeared Goods Is a Blank Area in Maritime Law

  14. 海难救助是海商法的一项独特法律制度。

    Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law .

  15. 海商法中船长的法律地位及相关的立法建议

    The Legal Status of Masters in Maritime Law and Correlative Legislative Proposals

  16. 略论海商法的若干基本原则

    A Simple Analysis of Some Fundamental Principles of Maritime Law

  17. 海峡两岸海商法之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Maritime Laws Across the Taiwan Straits

  18. 我国《海商法》下承运人及实际承运人若干问题研究

    On certain issues regarding carrier and actual carrier in Chinese Maritime Code

  19. 我国海商法吸收了该理论的优秀成果。

    And China has absorbed its outstanding achievements in Chinese Maritime Law .

  20. 当前中国海商法热点问题简介

    Remarks on Some Hot Issues on Chinese Maritime Law Research

  21. 海商法是特殊的民事领域。

    The maritime law is a special part of the civil law .

  22. 中国《海商法》下保证制度改革研究

    Research on the Reform of Warranty under Chinese Maritime Code

  23. 论我国《海商法》中承运人的义务与免责的关系

    On the Relationship between the Carrier 's Obligations and Immunities in CMC

  24. 英国海商法与普通法律英语的词汇对比分析

    A Comparative Lexical Analysis of British Maritime Law and General Legal English

  25. 海商法第四章修改中的几个问题研究

    A Study of Some Issues on the Modification in CMC Chapter Four

  26. 论我国《海商法》若干规定的缺陷及其修改

    Discussion on the Shortage and Modification about the China Maritime Law Code

  27. 海事扣押船舶是海商法中极其重要的一项内容,是出现海事纠纷后被频繁运用的措施。

    Arrest of ship is very important in Maritime law .

  28. 英国法院对中国《海商法》和《对外贸易法》的适用和评价

    English courts applying and considering Chinese maritime and trade law

  29. 上海国际航运中心的地位与海商法的建设

    The Status of Shanghai International Shipping Center and Construction of Maritime Law

  30. 并从立法的角度,对我国《海商法》相关规定提出了修改建议。

    With the legal construction it also gives some revising suggestion on CMC .