
  • 网络otec;ocean thermal energy conversion
  1. 一种新能源发电&海水温差发电

    Generation of electricity by temperature difference of sea water & a new source of energy

  2. 两种混合式海水温差能发电系统的研究与对比分析

    Research and Contrastive Analysis of Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System

  3. 海水温差能发电系统两种循环方式的比较研究

    Comparative Research of Two cycle Modes in Ocean Thermal Conversion Systems

  4. 对混合式海水温差能发电系统的两种循环形式进行了对比分析。

    Comparative research is performed for two cycle modes of hybrid OTEC systems .

  5. 混合式海水温差能发电系统结合了闭式循环与开式循环的共同优点,既可发电,又可产生淡水,还可以开展各种综合利用,发展前景广阔。

    Combined with the advantage of an open-cycle system and a closed-cycle system , a hybrid OTEC system not only can generate electricity , but also can produce the fresh water .