
  • 网络seawater resources;sea water resource
  1. 海水循环冷却技术,是海水资源利用领域一项新技术。

    Sea water circulating cooling technology is a new technology in the field of utilizing sea water resource .

  2. 我国沿海地区海水资源开发利用的现状和发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Future Trend of Development and Utilization of Seawater Resources in China 's Coastal Areas

  3. 海水资源开发利用成套新技术

    The Complete Set of New Technology for Seawater Resource Exploitation and Utilization

  4. 利用海水资源直接农业灌溉的研究

    Study on the irrigation systems in agriculture by seawater

  5. 从可持续发展战略而论,以海代淡开发利用海水资源,则是解决厦门水资源短缺的根本途径。

    Some sustainable development strategies are recommended to solve the problem of water shortage in this area .

  6. 我国地域辽阔,有众多的盐湖、丰富的油气田地下卤水和被誉为矿物宝库的海水资源。

    Its content is relatively high in gas field and underground waters , Salt Lake Brines and waters etc.

  7. 天津港地处渤海湾,拥有丰富的海水资源,并且使用海水源热泵已经具有可靠的技术保障。

    Tianjin Port area is rich in seawater , and the use of seawater-source heat pump has a reliable technical support .

  8. 总结了在海水资源利用方面国际发展的现状以及中国在该领域的技术现状和产业化水平。

    This article summarizes the present situation of international progress and China 's technical and industrial level in the utilization of seawater resources .

  9. 利用海水资源缓解滨海城市水资源供需矛盾&青岛市海水资源开发利用前景探讨

    Utilize Seawater Resources to Mitigate Contradiction Between Supply and Demand in Coastal Cities & Discussion on Seawater Resources Exploitation and Utilization Prospects in Qingdao

  10. 海水资源是水资源的重要组成部分,淡化水是解决水资源供需矛盾的战略选择。

    Sea water is an important component of water resources , desalinated water is the strategic choice of solving water supply and demand contradiction .

  11. 水循环冷却技术,是海水资源利用领域一项新技术,属于海水直接利用技术的范畴。

    As one of new technique in the field of seawater resource utilization , seawater circulating cooling technology is one way to utilize seawater directly .

  12. 本项目充分考虑岱山秀山度假村相关区域的地形、地貌、海水资源等景观特色,将各种不同类型的中、高级公寓以及别墅,按地势布局在基地上。

    The related terrain and seawater resource has been fully considered in the project , layout of apartment and villas are all according to the landform .

  13. 认为开发利用海水资源是解决沿海城市缺水的必由之路,是增加和替代淡水资源的有效途径。

    The authors suggest that the utilization of seawater resources is essential to resolve water shortage in China 's coastal provinces and cities and an effective way to increase freshwater resources .

  14. 目前,海水资源开发形成了盐业、盐化工业,以及海水直接利用和海水淡化等新兴产业。

    Currently , some of China 's new industries are associated with this aspect of marine resources development and exploitation : salt , salt chemicals , direct seawater utilization and seawater desalination .

  15. 开源与节流并举、建设节水型社会、污水资源化、充分利用海水资源、加强水资源管理是保障山东省水资源安全的根本措施。

    Developing new water resources and using water efficiently , reusing pollution water , exploiting seawater resources and strengthening water resource administration are the fundamental measures to ensure the water resource safety of Shandong province .

  16. 随着我国现代经济的高速发展和人口剧增,工业废水、生活污水、农业用水严重影响了我国的淡水和海水资源,致使水质恶化,水功能丧失。

    With the rapid economic developments and the expanding population in our country , water resource is influenced dramatically by the sewage in industry , living , agriculture , resulting in the deterioration and decline in water quality and function .

  17. 海水化学资源综合利用发展前景概述

    Developmental Prospect on Multipurpose Utilization of Seawater Chemical Resource

  18. 日本的海水化学资源提取技术研究

    Extraction of chemical resources in sea water in Japan

  19. 营口市海水浴场资源环境容量分析

    Analysis of environmental capability of tourism resource in Yingkou

  20. 发展科学技术开发海洋资源&海水化学资源专题座谈会在连云港召开

    The Symposium on marine resource chemistry Lian Yungang

  21. 在我国海水钾资源的开发是人们广泛关注的问题。

    The development of potassium Salts resources in seawater widely deserves attention in China .

  22. 海水冷热资源的综合利用分析

    Analysis on comprehensive utilization of seawater resources

  23. 我国海水钾资源开发利用技术现状与发展趋势

    Present Status and Prospect of the Technology of Development and Utilization of Seawater Potassium Resources in China

  24. 我国21世纪海水化学资源综合利用技术发展战略

    On the Development Strategy of the Comprehensive Utilization Technique of Seawater Chemical Resources of 21st Century in China

  25. 目的调查海水医疗资源情况,探讨合理利用海水自然疗养因子资源,寻找提高疗养质量的途径。

    To investigation the sea water medical source in China , so that study the use of the source , developing convalescent quality .

  26. 它属于资源型产业,包括海洋石油开采加工、滨海砂矿加工,海盐及其他海水化学资源提取与利用、海水淡化、海洋生物制药等类别。

    It is a resource-based industries , including marine oil extraction processing , the coastal sands processing , sea salt and other water resource extraction and utilization of chemical , desalination , marine bio-pharmaceutical and other categories .

  27. 海水养殖生物资源的基础研究与重点领域

    The basic research and the key points of maricultural Bio-resources

  28. 我国海水温差能资源蕴藏量和可开发量估算

    The estimation of the reservoir capacity and the exploitable quantity of China oceanic thermal energy

  29. 海水中化学资源含量丰富,对其开发利用势在必行。

    There are abundant chemical resources in seawater and the development and utilization of resources is imperative .

  30. 天津海岸带有广阔的海岸环境容量,有丰富的渔业、矿产、海水和旅游资源。

    Tianjin coastal with vast coastal environment capacity , and has abundant fishery , mineral , seawater and tourism resources .