
  • 网络ocean and fishery
  1. 挪威和冰岛海洋与渔业的考察报告

    The investigation report on ocean and Fisheries in Norway and Iceland

  2. 努力开创海洋与渔业工作新局面

    Open up a New Prospect of Oceanic and Fisheries Field

  3. 关于福建省海洋与渔业环境监测系统建设的探讨

    A Study on Construction of Marine and Fisheries Environment Monitoring System in Fujian Province

  4. 温州海洋与渔业网的建设

    Construction of Wenzhou oceanic and fishery website

  5. 可以说,海洋与渔业的发展是社会进步的标志之一。

    We can say that the development of marine and fisheries one of the symbols of social progress .

  6. 2003年福建省海洋与渔业局荣获国家海洋局颁发的全国海洋综合管理特等奖。

    Fujian Provincial Oceanic & Fishery Administration was awarded Special Grade for State Marine Integrated Management by the State Oceanic Administration , 2003 .

  7. 广州市海洋与渔业自然保护区管理站救护部部长刘汉生对《广州日报》说,食蚊鱼是外来入侵物种,其投放应受到严格控制。

    Liu Hansheng , an official with the Administration of Oceans and Fisheries , told Guangzhou Daily that the fish were invasive and that their introduction should be carefully controlled .

  8. 由海洋生态学家与渔业管理学家进行的一项非同寻常的合作项目表明,这一答案也许是肯定的。

    An unusual collaboration of marine ecologists and fisheries management scientists says the answer may be yes .

  9. 黄海西部春季海洋锋及其与渔业的关系

    The spring Huanghai Sea oceanic fronts and their relations to fisheries

  10. 渤海海洋环境与对虾渔业

    On the relationship between marine environment and prawn fishery in Bohai Sea

  11. 国际海洋法与海洋渔业的关系

    The Relationship Between International Oceanographic Law and Marine Fisheries

  12. 为解决我国人口增加与耕地减少的矛盾,如何充分利用我国海洋与内陆水域渔业资源,保障食物的有效供给。

    To solve the contradiction between the increase of population and the decrease of arable land , the fishery resources in both sea waters and inland waters should be made the best use of , so that there will be enough food available .

  13. 海南省海洋渔业资源评估与渔业发展方向分析

    The Evaluation of Marine Fishery Resources and Analysis of Development Direction of Fishery in Hainan Province