
hǎi luò yīn
  • heroin;diamorphine;smack;scag
海洛因 [hǎi luò yīn]
  • [heroin] 一种味苦有毒的白色结晶有机化合物,即作为毒品吸食的白面儿,主要成分是吗啡。医疗上用作麻醉、镇静药,久之易成瘾

海洛因[hǎi luò yīn]
  1. 海关查获了大量走私的海洛因。

    The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin .

  2. 他因吸服海洛因和可卡因一步一步地把身体搞垮了。

    He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine .

  3. 这些年轻人因过量吸海洛因大批死亡。

    These young people die wholesale from heroin overdoses .

  4. 他18岁时就注射海洛因。

    At 18 he was mainlining heroin .

  5. 他过量服用了海洛因。

    He had overdosed on heroin .

  6. 海洛因很容易使人上瘾。

    Heroin is highly addictive .

  7. 他怀疑楼上公寓里的那个女人正在吸食海洛因。

    He suspected that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin

  8. 警方这次缴获的海洛因是英国迄今为止数量最大的几宗之一。

    Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there 's ever been in Britain .

  9. 他曾过量吸食海洛因。

    He 'd overdosed on heroin

  10. 他是个贩卖不纯海洛因的毒贩。

    He was a drug dealer who sold impure heroin .

  11. 他私藏海洛因的罪名成立。

    He was found guilty of possessing heroin .

  12. 静脉注射海洛因所致肺部感染性病变的螺旋CT表现

    Spiral CT findings of pulmonary infection induced by intravenous injection of heroin

  13. 海洛因依赖者补体C3、C4降低对其神经系统的影响

    Effect of reduced C 3 、 C 4 on nerve system of patient with heroin dependence

  14. 海洛因中毒性海绵状脑白质变性的CT和MRI表现

    CT and MRI Findings of the Spongiform Myelinopathy in Poisoning by Heroin

  15. 海洛因滥用者中22例HIV感染分析

    Analysis of 22 cases of HIV infection in heroin addicts

  16. 郑州市海洛因滥用者中HIV感染特征

    Characteristics of HIV infection among heroin abusers in Zhengzhou

  17. 目的探讨海洛因白质脑病的CT特点及CT对本病的诊断价值。

    Objective To study heroin induced leukoencephalopathy CT features and evaluate the value in CT diagnosis of the disease .

  18. 海洛因依赖者HBV、HCV感染的流行病学调查&附300例

    Epidemiological survey of heroin addicts infected by HCV and HBV

  19. 不同方式滥用海洛因依赖者HAV、HBV和HCV感染情况分析

    Analysis of hav , HBV and HCV infection in 386 heroin addicts

  20. 107例静注海洛因成瘾者TT病毒感染状况

    Investigation on TT virus infection in intravenous injection Heroin drug users

  21. 目的··:了解住院海洛因依赖者HIV抗体阳性率及HIV抗体阳性者的人口学特征。

    Objective : To investigate the positive rate of HIV antibody among hospitalized heroin addicts and the demographic characteristics .

  22. 海洛因依赖患者的MMPI与ERP电位研究

    Study on MMPI and ERP in patients with heroin addiction

  23. 海洛因依赖者EB病毒亚临床感染

    The study on subclinical Epstein-Barr virus infection of heroin addicts

  24. 海洛因脑病具有典型的MRI表现,结合临床病史可与其他脑病鉴别。

    Heroin encephalopathy has some typical characteristics on MRI , which are very helpful for differential diagnosis in combination with heroin addiction history .

  25. 目的阐述海洛因所致海绵状白质脑病的MRI表现及其诊断价值。

    Objective To clarify MRI characteristics of spongiform leukoencephalopathy induced by heroin , and to evaluate MRI in the diagnosis of the disease .

  26. 给出海洛因的实测X射线衍射谱、傅里叶红外吸收谱和激光拉曼散射谱。

    In this paper , the practical measured X ray diffraction , Fourier infrared absorption and laser Raman scattering spectra of heroin have been given .

  27. 海洛因依赖与5-HT(2A)受体基因-1438A/G多态性的相关研究

    Association study of heroin dependence and 5-ht_ ( 2a ) gene polymorphism-1438a / g

  28. 5-HT(2A)受体基因1438A/G多态性与海洛因依赖的关系

    Heroin dependence vulnerability and the 1438a / g polymorphism of 5-ht_ ( 2a ) receptor gene

  29. 海洛因成瘾大鼠脑组织超微结构和GFAP表达的变化

    The Changes of Ultrastructure and Expressions of GFAP in the Brain Tissues of Heroin-addicted Rats

  30. 海洛因对大鼠C6细胞核酸及嘌呤核苷酸代谢的影响

    Effect of Heroin on Gene Expression of Nucleic Acid and Nucleotides Metabolism in C6 Glioma Cell