
lín bā xiǎo jié
  • Lymph node;lymphatic nodule;lymphonodulus
  1. 结果表明:IgA+浆细胞及阳性物质散在分布于小肠绒毛顶端,固有层、肠腺周围以及盲肠黏膜固有层和盲肠扁桃体的淋巴小结周围。

    The results showed that the IgA ~ + - cell and IgA positive reaction substance were located in the tip of villus , lamina propria , surround intestinal gland , and lymphatic nodule of cecum .

  2. 结果表明:淋巴结外包被膜,实质由皮质和髓质构成,皮质又分为淋巴小结、小结间弥散淋巴组织、副皮质区和皮质淋巴窦;

    The results showed that they were surrounded by capsules and composed of cortexes and medullas . The cortex was made up of lymphatic nodule , internodular diffuse lymphatic tissue , paracortical area and cortical sinus ;

  3. 组织原位杂交法检测小鼠小肠集合淋巴小结(PP)中IL-4的mRNA表达。

    The IL-4 mRNA expression in PP was evaluated by in situ hybridization .

  4. Bcl-2主要分布在次级淋巴小结的帽状区,生发中心阴性。

    Bcl 2 protein mainly distributed in the mantle zone of secondary follicles , while germinal center was negative .

  5. 母体极端低蛋白日粮对后代仔猪回肠淋巴小结平均面积没有显著影响(P0.05),但对照组淋巴小结排列更为紧密。

    The average size of the offspring ileal lymphoid nodules had no significant effect ( P0.05 ), but lymphoid nodules arranged closer together in the control group .

  6. 腹注LPS6~12h,脾索和淋巴小结周围呈现较多的一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)阳性细胞。

    There were more NOS positive cells in spleen cord and around lymphoid follicle from 6 to 12h after LPS injection .

  7. BDNF除具有与NGF相似的分布特点外,还见于脾淋巴小结生发中心的淋巴细胞样细胞;

    BDNF showed a similar distribution pattern with that of NGF , in addition , it was also identified in the lymphocytes of germinal center of splenic follicles .

  8. 结论:(1)TERT在哮喘豚鼠气道上皮、肺淋巴小结和人体外周血淋巴细胞中表达上调;

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) TERT expression in asthmatic airway epithelium and lymph nodule germinal centers of guinea pig and human circulating lymphocytes were up-regulated ;

  9. 皮质浅层的小结间区内偶见阳性纤维分布,淋巴小结内未发现阳性纤维。髓索和皮质深层淋巴组织中走行的含NPY神经纤维与免疫细胞关系密切。

    A positive fiber was occasionally seen in the internodular region , and nodular regions were free from nerve fibers , NPY-containing nerve fibers in the lymphoid parenchyma of the medullary cord and deep cortex travelled in close association with immunocompetent cells .

  10. 鳖脾脏实质由白髓和红髓组成,缺乏边缘区。白髓包括PALS和PELS,未观察到淋巴小结的出现。

    The parenchyma of spleen included red pulp and white pulp , but lacking a marginal zone . In turtles the white pulp of the spleen was composed of two compartments , the PALS and the PELS .

  11. 淋巴小结在淋巴结内分布不规律。

    The lymphatic nodules are irregularly distributed and no germinal centers .

  12. 整个免疫过程中,未见到淋巴小结和生发中心。

    Lymph nodules and germinal centers were not found during the whole immunization .

  13. 淋巴小结的髓质外侧表面付有单层上皮。

    On the medullary substance surface , there is a layer of simple epithelium .

  14. 经日抗原诱导的肠道粘膜免疫反应&集合淋巴小结作用的形态学研究

    Mucosal Immune Response Through Oral Antigen & Morphologic Study on Function of Peyer 's Patch

  15. 蛋白多糖在大鼠小肠集合淋巴小结高内皮微静脉中的分布

    The distribution of proteoglycan in high endothelial venules of Wistar rat small intestinal aggregate lymphoid nodule

  16. 皱胃各腺区固有层中均有大量的弥散淋巴细胞和孤立淋巴小结。

    There are a lot of diffuse lymphatic cells and solitary lymphoid nodules in the lamina propria of abomasum .

  17. 癌区有淋巴小结形成者绝大多数为恶性程度低者,其肥大细胞数量亦显著高于无淋巴小结形成者。

    In most cases of low malignant cancer , lymphoid nodules with significantly higher number of MC in the stroma were detected .

  18. 固有膜中有发达的腺体和集合淋巴小结,粘膜肌层由一层纵行平滑肌组成;

    There are developed intestinal gland and many aggregated lymphoid nodule in the proper lamina , The mucosal muscle is a layer longitudinal muscle ;

  19. 本研究应用光镜与电镜技术,观察了大鼠回肠集合淋巴小结部表面肠上皮的组织学特征。

    The histological features of the intestinal epithelium overlaying the ileal aggregated lymphatic nodules of rats were observed by light and electron microscopy in this study .

  20. 成年大鼠回肠集合淋巴小结部的肠上皮,由吸收细胞、M细胞及少量的杯状细胞组成。

    In adult rats , the intestinal epithelium overlaying the ileal aggregated nodules was composed of absorptive cells , microfold cells ( M cells ) and a few goblet cells .

  21. 组织学观察,A组泪腺上皮下有明显的淋巴小结,少数雏鸡原哈德氏腺部位出现含有胶状液体的半透明囊。

    There were many lymphoid nodules under lachrymal gland epithelia in-group A , and few of chickens had semitransparent bursa with jelly inside them at the location of removed Harderian glands .

  22. 小鼠脾脏、胸腺光镜和电镜下观察发现,随着甘薯糖蛋白剂量增加,脾淋巴小结增多扩大,胸腺T细胞线粒体增多。

    Light - and electron-microscopic examination showed that the spleen lymph nodules were enlarged and increased with SPG dose , and the number of mitochondria in thymus T cells increased , too .

  23. S-100+DC主要分布在粘膜固有层和集合淋巴小结,少数分布在粘膜下层;

    The great majority of S-100 + DCs in human fetal ileum were located in the lamina propria ( LP ) and Peyer 's patches ( PP ), and a few in the submucosa .

  24. 艾灸组与模型组相比,小鼠胸腺外周皮质面积增大,胸腺细胞增多,脾脏淋巴小结数目及面积明显增多增大,子宫腺腔及内膜间质充血水肿较模型组减轻。

    Compared with model group , the mice of moxibustion group thymus gland peripheral cortex area and cells and spleen lymphoid nodule amount and area all increased , glandular lumen and endometrium mesenchyme hyperemia and edema was relieved .

  25. 牦牛皱胃各腺区固有层中均有大量弥散淋巴细胞和孤立淋巴小结,使牦牛皱胃具有比其他反刍动物更强的黏膜免疫功能。

    Each gland area of abomasum in the yak are inherent layers with a lot of dispersion lymphocytes and isolated lymphatic summary , make the yak is better than the other abomasum ruminant animals the mucous membrane of the stronger immune function .

  26. 研究了蜂花粉对生长肥育猪十二指肠形态及组织结构的影响,考察了不同比例的蜂花粉对十二指肠绒毛长度及形态、肠腺长度、固有膜中的浆细胞、集合淋巴小结的影响。

    This paper studied the effect of pollen rations on duodenum configuration and structure of growing-finishing swines , including the effect on the length and figure of intestinal villi , the length of duodenum secretory , amount of plasma cell and aggregated lymphoid nodules in membrana propria .

  27. 结果HE染色烧伤组见较多凋亡细胞单个分散在小肠及蚓状突粘膜上皮层、粘膜固有层(部分延伸到粘膜下层)的淋巴小结和散在淋巴组织中;

    Results HE staining revealed that there were relatively abundant apoptotic cells scattering solitarily in the lymph nodules and diffuse lymphatic tissue in the mucosal epithelial and mucosal lamina propria ( and partially extended into the submucosal layer ) of the intestine and lumbrical process in all burn groups .

  28. 局部PHA刺激对引流淋巴结内淋巴小结及滤泡树突状细胞的影响

    Influences of local PHA injection on lymphoid follicles and follicular dendritic cells in draining popliteal lymph node

  29. 与健康动物相比,胸腺体积与重量增大4.5倍以上,脾脏滤泡增大1.5倍以上。以及淋巴结的淋巴小结扩大均为实质性增殖的结果。

    In comparison with normal healthy animals , the size and weight of the thymus increased to over 45 times , follicles of the spleen enlarged more than 1.5 times .

  30. 20日龄时扁桃体中淋巴组织增生,淋巴小结清晰可见;

    Lymphoid tissue began to increase at 20 days , with clear lymph nodule aggregations .