
  • 网络Tsinghua SEM;Tsinghua School of Economics and Management
  1. 李志强,男,1968年出生,西安交通大学学士,清华大学经济管理学院MBA硕士。

    Li Zhiqiang , Male , born in1968 , bachelor of Xi'an Jiaotong University and MBA of School of Economics and Management , Tsinghua University .

  2. 清华大学经济管理学院的MBA项目本学年招生437人,其中只有98人是全日制学生。

    At Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management just 98 of the 437 students who enrolled on the MBA programme this academic year are studying full time .

  3. 西方差不多从20年前就出现了这股趋势;几乎在同一时间,清华大学经济管理学院推出了中国第一个MBA项目。

    In the West , this trend took off almost 20 years ago at almost the precise time that Beijing 's Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management launched China 's first MBA programme .

  4. 引领这些院校崛起、成为精英院校的将是:清华大学经济管理学院、北京大学光华管理学院及中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)。

    The rise of these schools into the elite will be led by the school of economics and management at Tsinghua , by the Guanghua School of management , Peking University , and by the China Europe International Business School ( CEIBS ) .

  5. 在编辑方面,有麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院及清华大学经济管理学院雄厚的资源支持,杂志的内容及权威性将不容置疑。

    MIT Sloan School of Management and School of Economics and Management , Tsinghua University can provide solid support in articles and editors .

  6. 本周,扎克伯格受聘成为清华大学经济管理学院顾问委员。他与学院的学生和老师进行了座谈。

    Mr. Zuckerberg joined the advisory council of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management this week , and his talk was with students and faculty of the school .

  7. 程志宇说,对不良数据的打击至少在一定程度上是为了使这种资本流入放缓。鉴于多年来对投资泡沫的持续担忧,这并不是小事。程志宇曾经是清华大学经济管理学院的教授。

    The crackdown on the bad data was at least partially an attempt to slow down this flow of capital , said Chovanec , who was previously a professor at Tsinghua University 's school of economics in Beijing . Amid consistent fears of investing bubbles over the years , this is no small thing .

  8. 1955年,毕业于清华大学电子工程系的赵家和留校任教。1985年,在赵家和的帮助下,清华大学的经济管理学院正式成立。

    Zhao began teaching at Tsinghua University after graduating from the school 's Department of Electronic Engineering in 1955 , and he later helped establish the School of Economics and Management in 1985 .