
qīng chén
  • early morning;matinal
清晨 [qīng chén]
  • [morning] 天亮的最初时辰

清晨[qīng chén]
  1. 清晨的露水使得青草湿漉漉的。

    The grass was wet with early morning dew .

  2. 清晨弥漫着的水汽很快会散尽。

    Early morning mist patches will soon clear .

  3. 在一次清晨的突击搜查中,他们都被捕了。

    They were arrested during a dawn raid .

  4. 清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。

    In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray

  5. 清晨的阳光透过拉开的窗帘照射进来。

    Morning sunshine flooded in through the open curtains .

  6. 昨天清晨车站路的一家商店遭到了飞车抢劫。

    A shop in Station Road was the target of a ram-raid early yesterday .

  7. 据信进攻是在清晨时发起的。

    The attack is believed to have been carried out during the early morning hours

  8. 清晨的阳光透过玻璃屋顶,斜照了进来。

    The morning sun slanted through the glass roof

  9. 这是一个怡人的仲夏清晨。

    It was a lovely midsummer morning .

  10. 一天清晨,她发现自己汽车的挡风玻璃雨刷下插着一支玫瑰。

    She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning .

  11. 到昨天清晨为止,叛乱者已经控制了该国的主要空军基地。

    By early yesterday , the insurgents had taken control of the country 's main military air base .

  12. 有大笔订单要处理时,我经常会清晨便开始工作。

    I often start work at the crack of dawn when there is a big order to get out .

  13. 有时候散步这种锻炼方式也许会比较枯燥,但若是在一个阳光明媚的清晨,还有什么比这更惬意的呢。

    Walking exercise may be boring at times but early on a clear sunny morning there can be nothing finer .

  14. 我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来。

    My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning

  15. 清晨早起对这位病人的健康非常有益。

    Getting up early in the morning is of great benefit to this patient 's health .

  16. 那天清晨,大海出奇地宁静。

    The sea was extraordinarily calm that morning .

  17. 一天清晨机遇来了。

    The opportunity came early one morning .

  18. 清晨有点儿雾,空气湿蒙蒙的。

    It was a misty morning , and the air was moist .

  19. 嘹亮的号角声打破了清晨的宁静。

    A clarion call broke the morning stillness .

  20. 每天清晨,曙光初照,公园里便有人打太极拳。

    Every morning , in the first glimmer of dawn , some people are seen practising Taijiquan in the park .

  21. 我所爱的美丽的姑娘像乳汁一样纯洁,蜂蜜一样甜蜜,美酒一样迷人;她的绛唇像清晨时开放的玫瑰,她的眼睛像蜂儿般漆黑。

    The beauty I loved was like milk and honey and wine , her lips like the rose of the dawn , her eyes bee-black .

  22. 我必须去巴黎参加一个清晨会议,因此我决定玩它一整天,游览一些风景点。

    I had to go to Paris for an early morning meeting so I decided to make a day of it and see some of the sights .

  23. 在我去医院之前的清晨散步是一段安静、平和的时间,这时我可以集中思想,也可以在一天的医院琐事开始之前保持平静。

    The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet , peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the day 's medical drama unfolded .

  24. 他向大家展示了乌鸦在清晨是如何鸣叫的。

    He showed how crows cry early in the morning .

  25. 现在,每当清晨太阳升起时,就一百多个气球飞向天空。

    Now , there are over one hundred balloons flying every day early in the morning as the sun rises .

  26. 清晨地里覆盖着一层白霜。

    The field was covered with rime in the early morning .

  27. 麻雀每天清晨在窗外嘁嘁喳喳地叫。

    The sparrows chirp outside the window every morning .

  28. 我再也不想清晨醒来的时候没有你在身边。

    I 'm not waking up another morning without being able to look at you next to me .

  29. 如果我从周六晚到周一清晨都能独自待在自己的居所,我将感到十分快乐。

    I 'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment .

  30. 清晨的阳光穿过溪水照射在一块石头上,折射的光芒好像是一道彩虹。

    Across the stream , the rays of the morning sun hit a stone and made it sparkle like a rainbow .