
  1. 根据钢铁行业清洁生产标准,从六大方面评析重钢的情况;

    And appraised conditions of the case from six aspects .

  2. 印制电路板制造业清洁生产标准理解

    Come to Understand Cleaner Production Standard & PCB Manufacturing

  3. 《清洁生产标准纺织业(棉印染)》解读

    Interpretation of clean production standards in textile industry

  4. 燃气发电相比于传统发电具有热效率高、投资省、占地少、建设周期短等优点,但是还没有燃气发电清洁生产标准,这使燃气发电清洁生产审核增加了一定的难度。

    Compared to conventional power generation gas power generation with high thermal efficiency , investment , small footprint , and short construction period , but no gas generation of cleaner production standards , which makes gas turbine power clean production increased quite difficult .

  5. 生产环节要推行清洁生产和标准化管理;

    We must develop cleaner production and standard management in the process of production .

  6. 尤其对于没有清洁生产技术标准的行业来讲目前的评价方法比较零乱,不利于清洁生产符合性结论的得出。

    In particular , the current evaluation methods are messy , and are not conducive to cleaner production in line with the conclusions drawn , when there are not cleaner production technologies of the industry standard .

  7. 试论清洁生产对环境标准体系的影响

    The Effects of Promoting Cleaner Production on Environmental Standard System

  8. 皂素工业污染物行业环境标准目前在国内外尚属空白,为保护重点水资源及促进该行业清洁生产,其标准的制订十分重要而迫切。

    In order to protect the key water resources and impel the saponin industry to carry on cleaning produce , laying down saponin industry environmental standards is becoming important and urgent .

  9. ⑴中国清洁生产法律法规体系、清洁生产标准体系研究;

    Research on China 's law and regulation system , standard system of cleaner production ;