
  1. 与此同时,欧洲监管机构正在考虑“债权人纾困”的想法这是美国式强制清算方案的替代办法,涉及在银行陷入困境之际将债券转换为股份。

    Meanwhile , European regulators are mulling the idea of " bail-ins " an alternative to US-style forced liquidation that would involve converting bonds to equity when a bank gets into trouble .

  2. 拟订公司合并、分立、变更公司形式、解散、清算的方案;

    To formulate plans for merger , division , change of corporate form , dissolution and liquidation of the Company ;

  3. 铁路旅客运输清算分析系统技术方案的研究

    Research on Project of Liquidation Analyzing System for railways passenger traffic

  4. 利用龙卡进行证券交易清算及其技术实现方案的探讨

    On the liquidation of stock transaction with long card and the implementation scheme in technology

  5. 清算组在清理公司财产,编制资产负债表和财产清单后,应当制定清算方案,并报股东会或者有关主管机关确认。

    After checking the company 's property and preparing a balance sheet and an inventory of property , the liquidation group shall formulate a liquidation plan and present it to a meeting of the shareholders or to the relevant responsible authority for confirmation .

  6. 清算委员会任务是对合营公司的财产、债权、债务进行全面清查,编制资产负债表和财产目录,制定清算方案。

    The tasks of the liquidation committee are : to conduct through check of the property of the joint venture company , its claim and indebtedness ; to work out the statement of assets and liabilities and list of property ; to formulate a liquidation plan .