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  1. 极高的数据通信速度使得3G手机的增值服务前景一直被看好,如多媒体通信、游戏下载、可视电话会议等。

    The supreme data transfer speed provides 3G mobile phone a bright future in service proliferation such as multimedia communication , game download and video-telephone meeting .

  2. 这款游戏下载完全免费,但持续游玩可能会产生费用。

    It 's free to download , but it can cost you to keep playing .

  3. 此外,艺电还提供y一个称为“Origin”的数字游戏下载服务平台,使消费者能够在互联网上直接购买、下载各款游戏。

    It also offers a digital-game delivery service , called origin , that allows consumers to buy titles directly over the web .

  4. 按用户数量衡量,中国移动是全球最大的无线运营商。王建宙表示,“仍有发展增值服务的大量空间”,比如音乐和游戏下载,但受阻于缺乏支持中国本土3G标准TD-SCDMA的装置。中国移动拥有4.93亿用户基础。

    Mr Wang said China Mobile , which has a user base of 493m , " still has a lot of room to develop " value-added services , such as music and games downloads , but is stymied by a lack of advanced devices that support China 's home-grown TD-SCDMA standard for 3G services .

  5. 11年后,即2010年,智乐的游戏下载量达到1.5亿次&每天超过40万次。

    Eleven years later , 150 million Gameloft games were downloaded in 2010 & more than 400,000 per day .

  6. 这款游戏下载免费,但用户被鼓励用真实世界的金钱购买游戏内的虚拟商品。

    The download is gratis but users are encouraged to purchase virtual items inside the game for real money .

  7. 但是,随着用户使用音乐和游戏下载等功能,这类手机有望产生更多的收入。

    But the devices are expected to generate higher revenues as subscribers access features such as music and games downloads .

  8. 不过,公司的网络销售是受到限制的,因为微软、索尼和任天堂把持着游戏下载的门户。

    There are limits to how much the company can sell digitally , though , since Microsoft , Sony and Nintendo operate the online portals from which the games are downloaded .

  9. 根据谷歌应用商店GooglePlay的数据,这两款游戏的下载次数均已超过1000万次。

    Each of them has been downloaded more than 10 million times , according to Google 's Play store .

  10. 那已经融入了人们的日常生活,他们可以用手机买票、积分,还可以用任天堂DS掌上游戏机下载培训项目。

    It was a day-to-day given that they can use their mobile phones for tickets , loyalty points all the way through to using Nintendo handheld DS consoles to download training programmes .

  11. 随着宽带网速的增长,在网络上在线看视频、玩游戏、下载软件的人也越来越多。

    As broadband speeds increase , more people watch video online , play games , and download software .

  12. 愤怒的小鸟是一款风靡全球的电子游戏,下载次数已经超过20亿。

    Angry birds is a fashionable video game which has been downloaded for more than 2 billion times .

  13. 此游戏一旦下载下来并开始运行,病毒就自动发送含有病毒链接的短信进行自我传播,并接受指令盗取手机用户的个人数据信息。

    Upon downloading and running the game , the virus automatically spreads itself by sending messages containing viral links and receives instructions to steal the user 's personal data .

  14. 索尼此前曾宣称他们今后将为所有新PSP游戏提供在线下载服务,而且同时还会把videostore中的影片开放给PSPGO用户下载。

    Sony has already said it plans to have all retail PSP games from then onwards also sell online and will port its video store to the handheld at the same time .

  15. 在Android平台,游戏的每日下载量约为9000次,而iOS平台上,这一数量仅为3000至4000次。

    On Android , the game is downloaded about 9,000 times a day , according to spacetime ; on IOS , daily downloads are in the 3,000 to 4,000 range .

  16. 显然,Flash要求用户安装一个本地插件,但这是必要的代价,况且很多用户早就为了看跳舞仓鼠或者玩其他什么可爱游戏,已经下载安装过了。

    Granted , it required a native plugin , but that was considered the cost of doing business , and most users put up with the one-time download to see the dancing hamsters or play the cute casual game .

  17. 索尼可能也想这么做,但是现在由于产品所用的操作系统不同,所以PSP里的游戏是无法下载到iPodTouch里面玩的。

    "( Sony ) should want that but right now you can 't download a Sony PSP game to an iPod Touch because the operating system won 't allow it ," Pachter added .

  18. 3G终端的发展趋势将主要支持如视频通信、在线浏览、即时通信、互动游戏、高速下载等更多种类和更丰富的数据业务应用,计算速度更快,存储能力更强。

    With higher computing speed and stronger storage ability , the development trend of 3G terminal will be the application of more abundant data services such as video communication , on - line browsing , instant communication , interactive game , high - speed downloading etc.

  19. 应用层分为业务管理模块、NVOD(准视频点播)模块、TVOD(视频点播)、浏览器模块、数字电视模块、在线游戏模块和下载器模块。

    Thc application part consists of the service module management , program navigation , NVOD , TVOD , browser , digital TV , games on-line and program loader .

  20. 游戏中的下载器流线化,并且增加帐号检测验证。

    Streamlined the in game downloader and added checksum verification .

  21. 截至6月底,全球有200多款中国移动游戏应用被下载了超过100万次,每款游戏的全球收益均超过了100万美元。

    By the end of June , more than 200 Chinese mobile game apps had been downloaded more than one million times around the world , each earning over $ 1 million globally .

  22. 这不是一个符合我们标准的数字下载解决方法,因此我们始终认为保护该游戏的数字下载版权是最好的方法。

    There is not a digital download solution that meets our criteria that is not DRM based , so as we still wanted to provide digital download versions of the game , this was the best solution .

  23. 他表示,自己投资近百万元,开发了一款游戏APP,每日下载量超过1000次。

    He said he invested nearly one million yuan ( $ 153000 ) in designing a game and received 1000 downloads per day .

  24. flappybird游戏目前已经被下载超过5000万次,成为今年目前为止最受欢迎的手机游戏。

    Flappy Bird has been downloaded more than 50 million times , making it this year 's most popular mobile game so far .

  25. 计算机会在以下任务中快速切换:在你的屏幕上更新口袋妖怪(Pokémon)游戏、从网络下载更多视频、检查你是否敲击了键盘或挪动了鼠标,以及其它许多进程。

    A computer will flit between updating your screen with a Pok é mon , downloading more videos from the internet , and checking to see if you have clicked the keyboard or moved the mouse , among many other processes .

  26. 两款游戏都是免费下载,但像如今几乎所有最赚钱的移动应用一样,他们的盈利都是通过微型交易获得的——玩家通过购买虚拟货币,来帮助自己在游戏中更快升级。玩家会从Supercell中购买许多虚拟的货币和装备。

    Both games are free , but like nearly all of the most lucrative mobile titles today , they generate revenue through microtransactions - purchases of virtual currency that help players advance more quickly . And players buy a lot of virtual goodies from Supercell .

  27. 移动游戏通常是免费下载的,其收入来源于广告或玩家购买游戏内嵌的应用程序。

    They are often free to download , making money fromadvertising or in-app purchases .

  28. 在游戏中心里即可下载新的游戏。

    Game downloads within Game Center .

  29. 我的手机可以听歌,看电影,拍照,玩游戏,上网,下载文件,跟掌上电脑差不多。

    I can listen to music , watch movies , take pictures , play games , surf the web and download documents all with my cell phone . It 's just like a PDA .

  30. 通常这种游戏本身是免费下载的,因此盗版不是问题,但是玩家支付一笔费用才能玩,并且也可能购买一些游戏内的附件比如其角色的装备。

    Generally the game itself is given away , so piracy is not a problem , but players pay a subscription to play , and may also buy in-game add-ons such as accessories for their characters .