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yóu mù
  • move about in search of pasture;rove around as a nomad;nomadism;pastoral nomadism
游牧 [yóu mù]
  • [rove around as a nomad;pastoral nomadism] 居无定处,从事畜牧

  • 游牧部落

游牧[yóu mù]
  1. 应为巴尔干地区斯拉夫人的骑兵用剑。刀柄的铜钉具有显著的游牧风格

    It'should be cavalry Jian.The copper nail on grip has nomadism style .

  2. 是另一种弹性和移动?还是标志着游牧的结束

    Another dimension of flexibility and mobility ? Or the end of nomadism ?

  3. “游牧者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。

    A ' nomad settlement ' is a contradiction in terms .

  4. 游牧生活艰苦又危险。

    The nomad life is rough and hazardous .

  5. 不过他也不像西班牙勇士埃尔·熙德(ELCID)。熙德非常能够激励人心,即便在他死后,他绑在马鞍上的尸体,都能吓退游牧民族撒拉森人。

    But neither did he look like El Cid , the Spanish warrior who was so inspiring that even after death his body , strapped to a horse 's saddle , cowed the Saracen hordes .

  6. 约翰巴多斯(johnbardos)是一位加拿大公民,以前曾在日本开过一家英语学校,最近开始了游牧式的工作人生,在匈牙利、泰国和土耳其经营在线生意。

    John bardos is a Canadian citizen and former owner of an English school in Japan , who has embarked on a nomadic work life running his online businesses most recently from Hungary , Thailand and Turkey .

  7. 北非游牧民族图瓦雷克(Touareg)人会让8、9岁的男孩去照料一只幼年骆驼。

    At 8 or 9 years old , boys among the Touareg , a nomadic people in North Africa , get a baby camel to care for .

  8. 各种传统的远程访问VPN方案(包括IPSec-VPN和SSL-VPN)都只是为固网环境下外出企业员工的游牧访问而设计的,它不适合于未来的移动无线网络场景。

    Conventional Remote Access VPN Schemes ( including IPSec-VPN and SSL-VPN schemes ) were just designed for road warriors securely accessing their enterprise networks under fixed wired networks ; they are not suitable for future mobile wireless network scenarios .

  9. 到2050年,肯尼亚东北的Wajir地区的游牧牛羊将受到降雨增加的影响,这将促进灌木的生长,而不是现有的草类地被植物。

    By2050 , nomadic cattle and goat grazers in the Wajir region of northeast Kenya will be affected by increased rainfall , which encourages scrub growth instead of existing grassy ground cover .

  10. 北方地区先后程度不同的开始了游牧经济之路。

    Have different degrees of northern nomadic economy began the road .

  11. 但即使是在局势平静的日子里,这些游牧民族也是漠视政府权威的。

    But even in calm times nomads are scornful of nation-states .

  12. 一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。

    A member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara .

  13. 寻访最后的游牧部族秦汉北方游牧民族冠帽谈薮

    About Hats of Northern Nomadic Tribes during Qin and Han Times

  14. 中国北方游牧民族的饮食卫生保健与饮食理论

    Diet Health and Diet Theory of Chinese Northern Nomadic People

  15. 秦汉中国北方游牧民族服装初探

    Costumes Of China 's Northern Nomadic Minorities in Qin-Han Dynasties

  16. 在天地间过着游牧的生活。

    In between heaven and earth lived a nomadic life .

  17. 位于美国西南部的游牧的印第安人搭建的小屋。

    A lodge used by nomadic American indians in the SW US .

  18. 独特的地理位置、环境和气候决定了本地区贸易的重要地位以及游牧与农耕民族的频繁冲突;

    The importance of trade and conflict between nomadic and farming nations ;

  19. 从来至地狱的游牧部落手中拯救世界!

    Save the world from the hordes of the underworld !

  20. 游牧民族在这地区居住已有数千年了。

    Nomads have inhabited this region for thousands of years .

  21. 王昭君出塞以后,生活在匈奴游牧地区几十年。

    Wang Zhaojun lived in the Huns ? encampments for many years .

  22. 政治哲学的后现代视域:游牧政治学

    The Postmodern Horizon on the Political Philosophy : Nomad Politics

  23. 乌戈尔山脉北部游牧民族的一支。

    A member of a nomadic people of the northern Ural mountains .

  24. 《财富》:你是否考虑过游牧文化?

    Bradley Berman : Did you think about nomadic cultures ?

  25. 阿拉伯游牧部落的一支。

    A member of the a nomadic tribe of Arabs .

  26. 让您感受草原风情,体味游牧生活。

    You will taste herdsmen 's life styles on grasslands .

  27. 游牧部落的多数男子腰都粗壮。

    Most of the men in the wandering tribes have big waists .

  28. 从游牧到农耕:哈萨克族生计方式选择和文化适应

    From Nomadic to Farming : Livelihood Options and Cultural Adaptation of Kazakh

  29. 游牧主义和部落文化在优雅风格和服饰心态上产生了碰撞。

    Nomadism and tribal culture collides with chic style and couture mentality .

  30. 岁时节庆与北方游牧民族饮食文化

    Fasti Festival and the Dietetic Culture of Northern Nomad Nationalities