
  1. 湖南省社区卫生资源分布公平性研究

    Study on equity of community health resources distribution in hunan province

  2. 目的评价湖南省社区卫生资源配置的公平性。

    To evaluate the equity of Hunan community health resources distribution .

  3. 提出了湖南城市社区体育发展的对策:改善社区公共健身设施、培育社区组织、拓宽融资渠道、倡导科学健身、引导健康理念、加强社会体育指导员培训及加强组织管理等。

    The authors put forward the following measures for developing urban community sport in Hunan : Improve public fitness facilities in the communities , establish community organizations , widen financing channels , advocate scientific fitness , introduce health conception , strengthen social sports instructor training , and enhance organization management .

  4. 湖南省城市社区公共卫生服务成本测算与经费保障机制探讨

    Discuss of Cost Estimation and Financial Security Mechanism in Community Public Health Service in Hunan Province

  5. 西部民族地区中小城市社区体育环境改造刍议&以湖南吉首市社区体育环境发展为个案

    Improvement of Community Sports Environment of Minority Small and Medium-Sized Cities in Western China & Case Study of Community Sports Environment Development in Jishou

  6. 笔者结合自身工作实际,以湖南省常德市社区矫正制度的现状为分析样本,分析了制度运行的成功经验,总结了社区矫正制度在运行中暴露出来的问题并提出完善的措施。

    Author combination itself work actual , to Hunan province Changde city community correction system of status for analysis samples , analysis has system run of success experience , summary has community correction system in run in the exposed out of problem , propose measures to improve the system .