
  • 网络Chuzhou City
  1. 同时,滁州市还有非常丰富的非金属矿产资源,亟待采用高新技术和先进适用技术进行开发利用。

    Moreover , Chuzhou 's abundant nonmetal mineral resources are to be developed by using proper new technology .

  2. 上周,我回到我养女的家乡——中国东部省份安徽省滁州市,去看看如今计划生育政策在这个曾为海外输送了大量领养儿童的省份的执行情况。这项政策很有可能也是这个孩子当初成为我养女的原因。

    Last week I returned to her home town of Chuzhou , in China 's eastern Anhui province , to see just how the one-child policy - quite likely to be the reason she became my daughter - is getting on these days in a province that was once a significant exporter of babies for overseas adoption .

  3. 文章介绍滁州市沙河集水库泄洪闸采用的计算机监控和图像监视系统。

    The article introduces the computer monitor system and picture monitoring system used in release sluice of Shaheji reservoir .

  4. 人民网的补充报道称,这张照片拍摄于安徽省滁州市滁州实验学校。

    A follow-up report on People 's Daily Online suggested that the picture had been taken at the Chuzhou Experimental School in Chuzhou , Anhui Province .

  5. 在第三部分,在充分肯定成绩的基础上,重点对当前滁州市政府绩效考核评估存在的问题进行梳理,包括绩效考核评估在制度体系、评估技术和方法、群众满意度等方面存在的问题。

    On the third section , on the basis of fully recognizing results , focusing on problems existed in the current local government performance evaluation , including issues of theory of performance evaluation , assessment system , assessment technique , assessment method and so on .