
ɡǔn zhù zhóu chénɡ
  • roller bearing
滚柱轴承 [gǔn zhù zhóu chéng]
  • [roller bearing] 一种轴承,轴颈转动时与通常装在定位圈上的许多滚柱作圆周接触

  1. 外圈有止推挡边轴承滚柱轴承内圈滚道挡边磨床

    Race & rim grinding machine for inner ring of roller bearing

  2. 专业生产各种滚珠,圆锥,滚柱轴承。

    We are specialized in manufacturing the Ball , Needle and Roller Bearing .

  3. 用ANSYS软件建立滚柱轴承模型,计算轴承的应力强度,对滚子的应力、应变情况进行分析。

    Create the bearing model in ANSYS . Compute stress intensity of the bearing , analysis the stress and strain of the roller , compared with the results of theoretical .

  4. 硬质合金焊接式锥柄扩孔钻滚柱轴承锥形牙轮钻头

    Carbide welded taper shank core drill cone type roller bearing rock bit

  5. 拆卸期间可能损坏滚柱轴承。

    The cylinder-roller bearing can be damaged during the removal .

  6. 滚柱轴承离合器的运动及受力分析

    Analysis of the Motion and Forces of Roller Bearing Clutch

  7. 滚柱轴承离合器的形面研究

    Research on the Curved Surface of Bearing Clutch Shape Shadow

  8. 滚柱轴承离合器滚动摩擦功耗分析

    Analysis of Rolling Friction Power Loss of Roller Bearing Clutch

  9. 轴承的设计可以作为辅助或滚柱轴承滚珠轴承。

    Slewing bearings can be designed as ball bearings or roller bearings .

  10. 动态液面面形测量滚柱轴承离合器的形面研究

    Dynamic Liquid Surface Shape Measurement Research on the Curved Surface of Bearing Clutch

  11. 滚柱轴承内圈滚道磨床机械式磨轮成形设备

    Race grinding machine for roller bearing inner ring mechanical grinding wheel forming equipment

  12. 凡有可能,就使用滚柱轴承和滚珠轴承。

    Roller and ball bearings are used whenever possible .

  13. 螺旋滚柱轴承拼合外座圈

    Split outer race of the wound roller bearing

  14. 滚柱轴承离合器的动力特性分析

    Dynamic Properties Analysis for Roller Bearing Clutch

  15. 始终应使用新滚柱轴承。

    Always use new cylindrical-roller bearing .

  16. 就滚柱轴承而论,滚动摩擦代替了滑动摩擦。

    In the case of roller bearings , the rolling friction is substituted for sliding friction .

  17. 这里有各种各样的轴承:套筒式轴承、球轴承、滚柱轴承等等。

    There are various types of bearings : sleeve bearings , ball bearings , roller bearings , etc.

  18. 装有轴承座或设计放置一个轴承,未装滚珠或滚柱轴承的座

    Chair , incorporating a bearing housing or designed to house a bearing , not incorporating ball-or roller bearings

  19. 航空航天。飞机机架用中等负荷扩展内圈单列自位密封球面滚柱轴承。英尺系列。

    Aerospace-Airframe spherical roller bearings , single-row , self-aligning , sealed , extended inner ring , intermediate duty-Inch series .

  20. 本文以双曲面滚柱轴承为核心元件,设计制造了一种性能优越的新型可变扭矩加载器。

    This paper researches a new predominant variable torque clutch-hyperboloid clutch with rollers whose core component is the hyperboloid bearing .

  21. 对于闩锁末端的转辙机,安装一个枕木需要使用一个滚柱轴承。

    For the point machines located in latch end , a roller bearing which is facing a sleeper shall be used .

  22. 翻腾打滚在筒中、干燥机中或研磨滚筒中摇动或转动滚柱轴承内圈滚道磨床

    To toss or whirl in a drum , tumbler , or tumbling box . race grinding machine for roller bearing inner ring

  23. 主机排气端采用成对的圆锥滚柱轴承,通过线接触承受均布载荷,极大地延长了主机的寿命;

    The host had exhaust the pairs of tapered roller bearings , through the line contact uniformly distributed , greatly extend the life ;

  24. 滚柱轴承锥形牙轮钻头锥齿轮箱+万向轴动力上台,传动可靠,装拆方便。

    Cone type roller bearing rock bit The tapered gear box and universal shaft transmit smooth power and are simple to assemble and disassemble .

  25. 包含球轴承、滚柱轴承、轴、弹簧、齿轮、挂钩、心轴和键。用于设计机械工具和机械设备。

    Contains ball bearings , roller bearings , shafts , springs , gears , hooks , spindles , and keys . Use to design machine tools and mechanical devices .

  26. 使用现有任何一种滚磨设备加工滚柱轴承保持架都存在零件间的碰撞、变形或效率低等缺点。

    There are many defects of impacting between parts , parts deforming or lower efficiency in using any kinds of present rolling grinding equipments to remove the burr on roller bearing maintainer .

  27. 给出了滚子沿接触线受力的载荷分布,通过分析表明,滚柱轴承的离合器的扭转刚度是非线性的,说明系统具有丰富的非线性动力学现象。

    Load distribution on the roller is given along the contact line . It is shown that the torsional rigidity of the roller bearing clutch is nonlinear and there exists the complicated nonlinear dynamics in the system .

  28. 滚珠、滚柱或滚针轴承隔离圈

    Cage , for ball , roller or needle roller bearing

  29. 未装轴承的滚珠、滚柱或滚针轴承座滚柱轴承锥形牙轮钻头

    Housing for ball - , roller or needle roller bearings , not incorporating a bearing

  30. 基于模糊神经网络的锥形滚柱式磁悬浮轴承控制的研究

    Research of Taper Roll-pole Type Magnetic Suspension Bearing ( TRTMSB ) Control Using Fuzzy Neural Network