
  • Filter;Lens
  1. 利用CSS滤镜在网页中制作文字特效

    Creating Special Effect on Words by Means of CSS filter

  2. 基于网页的CSS滤镜

    The CSS Filter Lens Based On Web

  3. 这个功能多样的移动应用程序可以让你给照片添加滤镜、贴纸和文字。

    This all-singing , all-dancing app lets you add filters1 , stickers and text to your photos .

  4. 大部分滤镜可以被装配去分离DSP在每个频道上。

    Most Filters can be configured to do seperate DSP on each Channel .

  5. 滤镜是通过filter样式表单属性来对HTML产生作用的。

    The CSS functions to the HTML based on the attribute of " filter " form .

  6. 有4轮的位置旋转过滤器与一个明确的和三个ND滤镜。

    There is a4 position rotary filter wheel with one clear and three ND filters .

  7. 实际上,市场上的太阳滤镜基本上就是以这种方式工作,把紫外线(UV)转化成热。

    Actually , commercial sunscreens work in much the same way , converting UV radiation into heat .

  8. 和其他美颜软件一样,P图也提供了大量的滤镜,瑕疵移除以及虚拟化妆功能供用户选择。

    Similar to other photo-editing apps , Pitu offers a number of beautifying filters , blemish removing tools and virtual makeup options for users to choose from .

  9. 滤镜效果区别其他效果的一个主要特征是动画的属性是一个Filter对象,而不是动画显示对象的一个属性。

    The major differentiating characteristic of filter effects is that the animated property is one of a Filter object , rather than animating a property of the display object .

  10. 例如病毒扫描软件签名列表或spam滤镜样式集。

    Examples are a virus scanner 's signatures list or a spam filter 's pattern set .

  11. 2015年,在美国最高法院判决裁定同性婚姻合法后,Facebook推出了彩虹滤镜功能。

    In 2015 , Facebook introduced a rainbow filter afterthe US Supreme Court decision ruling that same-sex marriage was legal nationwide .

  12. 这里所说的图片编辑不只是在Instagram上添加一些好看的滤镜那么简单。

    We 're not talking about adding a few flattering filters on Instagram here .

  13. 那些通过技术的滤镜来看SOA的人们会错失这些实践所带来的差别,因为这是在软件工程努力范围之外的。

    Those who view SOA through a technological lens will miss the nuances covered by these practices since it is outside the scope of the software engineering group 's efforts .

  14. 利用复印机和计算机PS软件分色版,制作标准的四色印刷,PS中滤镜里彩色半调来制作的美柔汀分色技法。

    Using the copier and computer PS software separations to make the standard four-color printing , PS in filters halftone creation of beauty-flexible Ting separation techniques in color .

  15. 为了减少其成本和体积,在单CCD数字成像设备中通过对CFA(彩色滤镜阵列,以贝尔模板为主)获得的原始图像数据进行插值来获得全彩图像。

    To reduce the cost and size of imaging equipments based on single CCD , the full color images data are obtained by CFA interpolation for raw data .

  16. 本文提出的基于PSO的快速图像类推算法在艺术滤镜、纹理合成、纹理传输、纹理数字化等方面具有广泛的应用前景。

    The fast image analogies algorithm based on particle swarm optimization will have broad application in traditional image filters , improved texture synthesis , texture transfer , texture-by-numbers and so on .

  17. 伊娜还制作了一系列滤镜,任何人都可以下载后在Snapchat上使用。

    She has also made a series of filters anyone can download for Snapchat .

  18. 当图像在相机中形成后,必须通过Photoshop中不同的滤镜和设置处理后转换成黑白图片。

    After the image is created in the camera , it has to be processed using different filters and settings in Photoshop and converted to B & W.

  19. CSS滤镜能把可视化的滤镜和转换效果添加到一个标准的HTML元素上,可以根据需要作用于多个页面,甚至整个站点。

    The CSS filter Lens can append to the visual sieved Lens and the convertible effect the normal HTML element , and it can also act on many Webs , even the whole Web station .

  20. Instagram允许用户用智能手机拍摄的普通照片,再透过滤镜处理,并称之为艺术。

    Instagram made a name for itself by letting users take mundane smartphone photos , place a filter on them , and call it art .

  21. 使用SVG可以在网页上显示出各种各样的高质量矢量图形,包括图像处理中常见的许多功能,如图形、文字、动画、色彩、滤镜效果等。

    SVG can be used on the page to show a variety of high-quality vector graphics , including image processings such as graphics , text , animation , color , filter effects .

  22. 印刷过程中我们会应用CMYK转换和其他滤镜进行优化。

    We will be applying CMYK conversions and other filters that are optimal for the print process we have chosen .

  23. 超三分之一女性(34%)在向好友分享照片前,都会事先使用如Instagram等网上滤镜美化照片。

    More than third of women ( 34 ) use filters on sites such as Instagram to make themselves look better in pictures before sharing them with friends .

  24. 该程序由Hipstamatic研发,用户可通过这款软件对手机拍摄的照片使用不同的滤镜,然后将图片轻松上传到Facebook、推特(Twitter)和Instagram等社交媒体平台。

    The app , developed by Hipstamatic , allows users put different filters to the images they have taken with their smartphones and upload their images easily to social media platforms such as Facebook , Twitter and Instagram .

  25. 介绍了利用CSS样式表提高网页维护的更新效率的方法,通过设置CSS样式来实现网页滤镜特效,从而改善网页的外观达到美化网页的作用。

    This article mainly expounds how to use the CSS Style to improve the update efficiency of webpage maintenance , and how to realize the special effect of Webpages filter by installing CSS Style , thereby to beautify the Webpages .

  26. 受Snapchat和Instagram上的增强现实滤镜热潮启发,电子化妆师让你能够下载异国风情的妆容来美化你的照片。

    Inspired by the craze for AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram , " e-make up " artists enable you to download outlandish make-up looks to enhance your digital self .

  27. 但我工作的形式可能是去参加艺术展,从展览上某张照片的滤镜使用中获得灵感,或是与朋友们在酒吧里聊天,看他们使用Instagram。

    But it might be in the form of going to an art gallery and being inspired by seeing a filter on a photo there , or it might be having conversations with friends at a bar and watching them use Instagram .

  28. 根据美图的声明,三款特效“明日自拍”、“美图家族”和“即时魅力”,将分别为Facebook相机增加“独特的机器人眼镜”、“美图开发的流行卡通人物”和“一些其它的即时滤镜”。

    According to a statement by Meitu , the three effects named " Selfie from the Future " " Meitu Family " and " Instant Glam " will add " a unique , robotic eyeglass , " " Meitu 's own popular cartoon characters " and some other instant filters to Facebook camera respectively .

  29. 每一个滤镜组合可以保存在预置文件内。

    Each combination of Filters can be saved into a Preset .

  30. 为什么要给你那张彩虹的照片再加滤镜呢?

    Why add a filter to your photo of the rainbow ?