
  • 网络littoral ecology
  1. 厦门及其附近潮间带生态调查

    Studies on the Littoral Ecology of Amoy and its Vicinity

  2. 菲尔德斯半岛潮间带生态系统中的食物网

    The food web in intertidal ecosystem of Fildes Peninsula

  3. 福建江阴岛岩相潮间带生态的研究

    The ecological investigation of rocky intertidal zone in the Jiangyin Island in Fujian

  4. 提出了潮间带生态系统修复和拆除人工岸线,自然岸线修复的修复方案,以海岛海域潮流场的模拟数据为依据,对两种方案进行了分析,得到长兴岛可持续发展的最优方案。

    The repair schemes of intertidal ecosystem restoration and removal of the artificial coastline and rehabilitation of natural shoreline are proposed . Based on island sea wave field simulated data , I analyze the two kinds of schemes and obtain the optimal solutions for the sustainable development of Changxing Island .

  5. 红树林(Mangrove)是热带海岸特有的潮间带湿地生态系统,对于维护和改善海湾、河口地区生态环境,调节气候及保护沿海湿地生物多样性等方面具有不可替代的作用。

    Mangrove is the typical intertidal wetland ecosystem in tropical zone , and it plays an irreplaceable role in climate regulation , contributing greatly to the biological diversity of coastal wetland .

  6. 海坛岛潮间带底栖生态的初步调查

    Preliminary investigation on benthic ecology in intertidal zone of Haitan Island

  7. 长乐国际机场附近沙滩潮间带的生态

    Ecology on intertidal benthos of sandy beach around international airport , Changle

  8. 福建东山及附近岛屿岩相潮间带海藻生态的初步研究

    A preliminary study on rocky intertidal algae ecology in Dongshan County and its adjacent islets , Fujian Province

  9. 鱼山列岛潮间带软体动物生态的研究

    Ecological studies on the intertidal zone of the Yushan islands , Zhejiang

  10. 不同红树林植物对生态环境和土壤条件的要求不同.因此,在潮间带上的生态分布不同;

    Different plant species of mangrove distribute on-different positions ofthe beach and demand different ecological environment and soil conditions .

  11. 泉州湾岩相潮间带底栖生物生态研究Ⅰ.物种多样性与分布特征

    An ecological study on the benthos of the rocky intertidal zone in Quanzhou Bay . ⅰ . Species diversity and its distribution

  12. 潮间带红树林消失,生态环境遭到破坏;

    Intertidal zone mangrove disappearing , and ecosystem environment being destroyed ;

  13. 大连沿海潮间带腹足类的生态研究

    Ecological studies on gastropods along the coast of Dalian area

  14. 厦门港岩石岸潮间带软体动物的生态

    Studies on ecology of molluscan on rocky intertidal zone in Xiamen Harbour

  15. 浙南岛屿岩相潮间带贻贝类的生态特点

    Ecological characteristics of the intertidal mussels of the islands south of Zhejiang

  16. 浙江洞头岛潮间带软体动物的生态调查

    Ecologic investigation of Mollusca on the intertidal zone of Dongtou island , zhejiang

  17. 厦门地区软相潮间带多毛类的生态

    Ecology of soft intertidal polychaetes in Xiamen area

  18. 福建海岛潮间带底栖生物群落生态的研究

    The study on the ecology of the benthic community in intertidal zone , Fujian islands

  19. 本文从潮间带沉积物的粒径、分选系数及底栖生物群落结构阐明潮间带生态现状。

    This paper illustrated ecological situation of intertidal zone sediment by size , sorting coefficient and the structure of benthic community .