
  • 网络Radicals;Radical Party
  1. 晚上早些时候,极右派激进党发表了讲话,讲述了“对塞尔维亚英雄可耻的逮捕”。

    Earlier in the evening , we had speeches from the far-right Radical Party talking about the " shameful arrest of the Serbian hero " .

  2. 一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。

    Has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane 's Radical Progressive Party .

  3. 我的朋友克劳莱一向是莱恩先生激进党的狂热反对者。

    My friend , crawley , has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr lane 's Radical Progressive party .

  4. 来自Merit证券公司的NikosChristodoulou说,市场将会对激进左翼党的胜利进行打击:

    Nikos Christodoulou from Merit Securities says the markets would punish a Syriza victory :

  5. 伊斯兰激进青年党奉行奉行十分保守的伊斯兰宗教教义。目前他们正对西方支持的摩加迪沙过渡联盟政府发动剧烈的反叛活动。

    Al-Shabab , which espouses an arch-conservative form of Islam , is waging an intense insurgency against the Western-backed Mogadishu Transitional Federal Government .

  6. Dagne称,优势集中且机动化的伊斯兰激进青年党武装威胁到过渡政府,并指出,非洲联盟的行动受到限制,因为他们无权采取进攻行动。

    Dagne says highly de-centralized and mobile al-Shabaab forces threaten the Transitional Federal Government , and noted that African Union forces are ed because they are not authorized to take offensive action .

  7. 索马里记者全国联盟报告称,伊斯兰激进组织青年党关押了私人媒体广播Somaliweyn的通讯记者AliYusufAdan。

    The National Union of Somali Journalists reports the Islamist militant group al-Shabab has ed Ali Yusuf Adan , a radio correspondent for the private media broadcaster Somaliweyn .

  8. 37岁的激进左翼联盟党领导人AlexTsipras承诺取消经济紧缩政策,该政策由欧盟施加给希腊,作为提供经济援助的条件。

    Alex Tsipras , the 37 year old leader of the Syriza Party has vowed to cancel the austerity program insisted on by the European Union in return for financial bailouts .

  9. 在向过渡政府发表讲话时,索马里驻联合国永久性代表IddBedelMohamed宣读了一份声明,谴责伊斯兰激进组织青年党和其他强硬路线分子拒绝调解,过渡政府面临更加残酷的攻击。

    Speaking for the Transitional Federal Government , Idd BedelMohamed , Deputy Permanent Minister of Somalia at the United Nations , read a statement accusing al-Shabaab and some hardliners of rejecting reconciliation , and acknowledged that the transitional government faces attacks :

  10. 乌干达国防部长CrispusKiyonga称,非洲联盟军队由2590名乌干达军人和1600名普隆地军人组成,目前为止还可以保护过渡政府,摩加迪沙港口和机场的安全,但是激进组织青年党进攻加强使得形势越来越困难。

    Ugandan Minister of Defense , Crispus Kiyonga , said the African Union force , composed of 2590 Ugandan troops 1600 from Burundi , has so far been able to defend the transitional government 's state house , Mogadishu port and airport , but said reinforcements to al-Shabaab have created a difficult situation .

  11. “我认为绝大多数的工人都会支持激进左翼联盟党(Syriza)并给他们投票,工人们不会支持泛希腊社会主义运动党(PASOK)或者新民主党,因为左翼联盟支持工人。”

    Among those on the picket line , is Panayiotis Papanikolaou who has worked in the factory for more than 20 years . " Right now , I think most of the workers will support and vote for Syriza , not PASOK or new Democracy , because Syriza supports the workers . "

  12. 伊斯兰激进组织青年党已经占领了摩加迪沙和索马里南部的部分地区,被美国政府列在国际恐怖主义组织名单上。

    much of Mogadishu and southern Somalia , and is on a U.S. government list of international terrorist groups .

  13. 人们怀疑这次绑架是索马里激进组织青年党策划的。这个组织在索马里肯尼亚边界附近活动频繁。

    Suspicions have fallen on the Somali militant group , al-Shabab , which is active in areas of Somalia close to the Kenyan border .

  14. 摩加迪沙南部梅尔卡的目击者说,一架武装直升机向一座建筑射击,激进组织青年党的指挥官员们当时可能正在这座建筑中会面。

    Witnesses in Merka , south of Mogadishu , say a helicopter gunship fired on a building where commanders of the militant group al-Shabab may have been meeting .

  15. 在6月17日大选前进行民意调查的最后一天,即周五的民调结果显示,激进左翼联盟党和支持欧盟援助的新民主党各自获得大约26%的选票。

    Results from Friday , the last day of polling before the Jun 17th election , shows Syriza and New Democracy which supports the bailout , each holding around 26 % .

  16. 但是HisbulIslam的强硬派仍然与激进伊斯兰组织青年党保持联盟关系,而他们目前控制了索马里南部和中部的大片区域。

    But the hard-liners in Hisbul Islam maintain an alliance with al-Shabab , a militant Islamist group linked to al-Qaida , which currently controls large areas of southern and central Somalia .

  17. 在索马里首都,激进伊斯兰组织青年党(al-Shabab)砍掉四名被指控盗窃枪支和手机的年轻人的手脚。

    Somali Insurgents Amputate Suspected Thieves ' Limbs In Somalia 's capital , the Islamist al-Shabab militia a hand and a foot each from four young men accused of stealing guns and mobile phones .

  18. 本周初,由激进伊斯兰组织青年党设立的法庭认定这四人有罪。

    The men had been earlier in the week by a court set up by al-Shabab .

  19. 在摩加迪沙北部的激进伊斯兰组织青年党营地内,激进分子在几百人面前砍掉了四名盗窃嫌疑人的右手和左脚。

    In front of a crowd of hundreds at an al-Shabab camp in the north of Mogadishu , militiamen cut off the right hand and left foot of the four suspected thieves .

  20. 同时,激进伊斯兰组织青年党在其控制地区实施自己的伊斯兰法律,尤其是在港口城市基斯马尤,有报告称那里经常使用截肢,鞭打,磨石等酷刑。

    Al-Shabab , meanwhile , has imposed a its own brand of Islamic law in areas it controls , particularly the port city of Kismayo , where there have been reports of amputations , flogging , and stoning .

  21. 在被激进伊斯兰组织青年党控制的地区,民意非常难以衡量。许多观察员相信,索马里人对叛乱分子能够控制这个著名的无法无天的国家表示欢迎,但是并不赞成这种严厉的惩罚。他们说,大部分索马里人还是在那种比较温和的伊斯兰法律。

    While public opinion can be hard to gauge in areas controlled by al-Shabab , many observers believe that Somalis welcome the insurgents ' ability to impose order in the famously lawless country , but do not support such harsh punishment , noting that most Somalis practice a moderate brand of Islam .