
  • 网络grey squirrel;gray squirrel;Sciurus carolinensis;Sciurus vulgaris
  1. 国家及联邦农业及野生动物官员登上飞机,设下陷阱,抓住了这只东灰松鼠。

    State and federal agriculture and wildlife officials boarded the plane , set traps and captured the eastern gray squirrel .

  2. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,加州摩洛岩石保护区的这只灰松鼠对游客们的零食来者不拒。

    The grey squirrel in Morro Rock Park , California just can 't say no to a snack from visitors , the Daily Mail reported .

  3. 研究人员说,这种缺乏行为反应的表现意味着灰松鼠更容易受到伤害。

    This lack of a behavioural response , researchers say , means greys are much more vulnerable .

  4. 另一边,灰松鼠则似乎不顾松貂的气味,继续进食。

    Grey squirrels , on the other hand , seemed to ignore the scent and carry on regardless .

  5. 但根据这项研究,对掠食者与生俱来的恐惧似乎让红松鼠在其竞争对手灰松鼠的面前占有优势。

    But an innate3 fear of their predators seems , according to this research , to give the reds an edge over their grey competitors .

  6. 但英国有200多万只灰松鼠,而仅有15万只土生土长的红松鼠,红松鼠需要利用进化赋予它们的任何有利条件。

    But with more than two million grey squirrels in the UK and just 150000 native reds , they could do with any advantage that evolution has given them .

  7. 结果表明,应用该法提取DNA方法简单易行,价格低廉,PCR检测太阳岛地区灰松鼠雌雄比例为59∶27。

    And the PCR was used to amplify SRY gene . The result showed that the method of extraction DNA from the faeces of gray squirrel was simple and cheap . And the sex ratio of female to male animals there is 59 / 27 .

  8. 它是:尤塞恩•博尔特,灰松鼠,迈克尔•菲尔普斯,还是走鹃(一种鸟类)?

    Is it Usain Bolt , gray squirrel , Michael Phelps , or roadrunner ?

  9. 美国最常见的松鼠是红松鼠和灰松鼠。

    The most common squirrels in the United States are the red squirrel and the gray squirrel .

  10. 在英国大陆上保存红松鼠和根除灰松鼠是浪费金钱的,斯蒂芬?哈里斯争论道。

    Conserving red squirrels and eradicating greys on the UK mainland is a waste of money , argues Stephen harris .

  11. 应用分子粪便学方法调查太阳岛地区灰松鼠性别比例

    Investigation of Sex Ratio of Gray Squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris ) in the Region of Sun Island with Molecular Scatology Method

  12. 他差点就对佛里德曼说他买了一个灰松鼠,但你知道自从被帕罗塔解雇以后我就再也不说俏皮话了。

    I almost told Friedman he 'd bought a squirrel , but you know I cut that smart stuff out ever since Palotta laid me off .

  13. 婴儿灰松鼠正在寻找一些住房,偶然发现了此框完成完美望孔他捅了他的头。

    The baby grey squirrel was looking for some shelter and came across this box complete with a perfect look-out hole for him to poke his head out of .

  14. 科学家同样也担心英国当地的蟹种的生存会受到打压,就像当年从美国引进灰松鼠导致英国本地的红松鼠几乎绝迹一样。

    Scientists also fear native species of crab could be overwhelmed like the red squirrel , on the verge of extinction after being pushed out by greys from the US .

  15. 并且证明自己相当好地适应阔叶林,部分原因是它消化橡实的能力,但那是在灰松鼠没来之前。

    Until the grey squirrel arrived , that is , and proved itself rather better adapted to broadleaf forests thanks , in part , to its ability to digest acorns .

  16. 鲁温师傅像只好奇的小灰松鼠般从侏儒手中接过纸片,展开阅读。

    He will provide the rest . Maester Luwin took the paper from the dwarfs hand , curious as a small grey squirrel . He unrolled it , studied it .