
  1. 以灵活输电技术、用户电力技术和电力储能技术为代表的电力电子技术是实现坚强智能电网的重要技术支撑。

    Power electronic technologies , represented by flexible transmission technology , custom power technology and energy storage technology , are the important supporting technologies for strong smart grid .

  2. 灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)是我国电网发展急需的、最具发展潜力的技术之一。

    FACTS technology , with the best potential in the development of China power grid , is required immediately .

  3. 可控串补是一种基于电力电子的新型输电技术,是灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)的一种。

    Thyristor control series compensation ( TCSC ) is one of flexible AC transmission systems ( FACTS ) and devel - oped from fixed series capacitor technology .

  4. 灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)的出现为电力系统的灵活运行提供了有效的手段,能够大幅度提高线路的功率传输水平,提高系统的稳定性。

    Flexible AC Transmission System ( FACTS ) provides an effective means which can significantly improve the capacity of power transmission , enhance system stability , and makes the system operate in a more flexible way .

  5. 从20世纪80年代以来,由于大功率电力电子元件的长足发展,应运而生的灵活交流输电技术带动了串联补偿技术的进步。

    Because much progress had been made on large power electronics , FACTS ( Flexible AC transmission Systems ) brought out the revolution of series compensation technology since 1980s .

  6. 灵活交流输电(FACTS)为应对电力系统面临的这些挑战提供了可能,同时灵活交流输电技术的应用也为电力系统的运行与控制带来许多新的特性与变化。

    Flexible AC Transmission ( FACTS ) is a solution to the challenges . However , FACTS technology offers many new features and changes of power system operation and control .