
qiànɡ ɡuō
  • season a wok by quick-frying spices/garlic/etc.
  1. 本店以炝锅鱼,香辣鱿鱼虾为特色菜,以其独特的口味深得广大消费者朋友的喜爱。

    OUR to Qiang pan fish , spicy shrimp to squid with vegetables , for its unique taste won the majority of consumers friend 's favorite .

  2. 重庆秦妈火锅主要经营香辣虾、炝锅鱼、香辣鱿鱼虾、清真涮羊肉锅、味道鲜美、价格低廉、环境优雅。

    Ma Qin , Chongqing hot pot main business spicy shrimp , Qiang pan fish , shrimp spicy squid , Muslim Shuan Yangrou pot , taste delicious , inexpensive and elegant environment .

  3. 锅内加入油,热后,下入花椒面、酱油炝锅,随即放入碎菜,用旺火急炒,待菜烂时,放入精盐、味精即成。

    Pot add oil , heat , into the pepper under the surface , soy sauce pan , then add chopped vegetables , stir-fried emergency , when the rotten vegetables to be placed in salt , MSG Serve .