
rè zhōnɡ zǐ
  • thermal neutron
  1. 镉比R(Cd)和热中子通量是堆内常测的参数。

    The cadmium ratio RCA and thermal neutron flux are usually measured in a re - ' actor .

  2. ~(197)Au的热中子俘获截面评价

    Evaluation of thermal neutron capture cross section of ~ ( 197 ) au

  3. Th-~(233)U热中子增殖堆某些物理特性的探讨

    Some physical properties of the Th - ~ ( 223 ) U thermal-neutron breeder reactor

  4. 快中子照相是一种优良的无损检测技术,它有着X射线、热中子照相等所不具有的独特优势。

    As a non-destructive testing technique , fast neutron radiography has many unique advantages comparing with X-ray and thermal neutron radiography .

  5. 热中子透射计用于γ-Fe2O3的结构研究

    The study of the structure in γ - Fe_2O_3 by means of thermal neutron transmission gage

  6. 如今科学家们使用热中子、x射线还有甲烷磺酸乙酯(一种强致癌化学剂)任何可以破坏dna的东西来制造谷物变异。

    Today scientists use thermal neutrons , X-rays , or ethyl methane sulphonate , a harsh carcinogenic chemical-anything that will damage dna-to generate mutant cereals .

  7. 用类α衰变模型计算了~(235)U热中子诱发裂变碎块的质量、动能分布。

    Mass and kinetic energy distribution of fragments in thermal-neutron in-duced fission of U are calculated by a α decay-like model .

  8. 热中子和裂变谱中子诱发~(235)U裂变时几个核素累计产额的绝对测量

    The absolute determination of cumulative yield of several nuclides from thermal neutron and fission spectrum neutron induced fission of ~ ( 235 ) u

  9. 金属氢化物(AlH3)n的热中子非弹性散射谱

    Inelastic scattering spectra of thermal neutrons by aluminium hydride ( alh_3 ) _n

  10. Ge(Li)直接γ能谱法测定裂变谱中子及热中子诱发~(235)U裂变的裂变累计产额

    The measurement of cumulative fission yields of ~ ( 235 ) u induced by thermo-and fission spectrum neutrons by using GE ( li ) detector

  11. ~3He和BF3计数器热中子探测效率实测值与理论预言满意地符合。

    For ' He and BF , proportional counters , the measured detection efficiency of thermal neutron is consistent with the theoretic value satisfactorily .

  12. 用D-D密封中子发生器为源获得热中子的研究

    Study of taking out thermal neutron by using D D sealed tube neutron generator

  13. 测量热中子的CR-39SSNTD

    CR-39 SSNTD for thermal neutron measurement

  14. 用MCNP程序计算核燃料废包壳缓发裂变中子形成的热中子通量密度

    Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads

  15. 本文在核裂变统计理论基础上应用微观方法计算了~(235)U热中子裂变的质量分布、动能分布及其它物理量。

    Based on the statistical fission theory , we have calculated the mass and kinetic energy distributions as well as other physical quantities of ~ ( 235 ) U fission induced by thermal neutron using microscopical method .

  16. 对于既具有高能量外中子源又包含热中子区域的快热耦合系统,本文将离散坐标法Sn与栅格计算程序相结合,给出可用于快热耦合系统的中子学确定论计算工具。

    For a system consisting of both high energy external neutron source and thermal neutron zone , a neutronics calculation method is developed based on the combination of the Sn and cell parameter calculation codes .

  17. 用氮化硼(BN)和镉+氮化硼(Cd+BN)作屏蔽材料的超热中子活化法对我国20种生物标准参考物质中的碘含量进行了分析。

    The epithermal neutron activation analysis ( ENAA ) using BN and BN + Cd as thermal neutron shielding materials was used to determine the contents of iodine in 20 Chinese biological standard reference materials ( SRMs ) .

  18. 本文介绍用化学前处理中子活化和超热中子活化分析方法,测定了两个超铁镁岩石标样dz∑-1和dz∑-2的微量元素。

    A pre-irradiation chemical seperation neutron activation analysis and instrumental epithermal neutron activation analysis are used for determination of trace elements in DZ Σ - 1 and DZ Σ - 2 std.

  19. 热中子反应堆多群常数程序RQCS

    Rqcs : a code for the generation of multigroup constants for thermal neutron reactors

  20. 热中子粉末衍射轮郭精修程序RIETAN运行环境的设置及使用方法

    Running Environment and Operating Method of Profile Refinement Program in Thermal Neutron Powder Diffraction

  21. 在MCNP的基础上,开发了井壁超热中子时间谱测井蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)模拟软件包。

    The Monte Carlo calculating software packet was developed for wall epithermal neutron time spectrometry logging on the basis of MCNP . The wall epithermal neutron time spectra of simulated open holes were calculated , which vary with the porosity of formation .

  22. 应用脉冲快热中子分析技术(PFTNA)代替煤炭行业原来使用的化学分析方法,不但节约成本,而且经过努力可以实现在线分析,是一种非常有前途的分析方法。

    Pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology ( PFTNA ) is a better method than chemical analysis used in coal industry .

  23. 本文主要讨论运用傅立叶变换方法计算热中子散射律RSLT-1程序的特点以及用于实际慢化剂的计算结果分析。

    Some of the features and problems involved in the thermal neutron law code RSLT-1 which is based on the method of Fourier transform are discussed . The analyses of the calculated results of some actual moderators are presented .

  24. 初步计算表明:1个热中子作用在6LiD源室外表面将在源室内腔中产生0.1314个快中子;所产生的快中子具有很好的聚变谱特点,能量集中在13.5~15.5MeV之间。

    In the paper , the calculation result shows that every one thermal neutron acts on the outside surface of the converter , 0.131 4 fusion neutrons with a spectrum ranging from 13.5 to 15.5 MeV are produced inside the converter .

  25. 本文介绍了在PC机上通过几种软件交叉组合使用,实现对RIETAN和FULLPROF两个粉末衍射轮廓精修程序的热中子衍射谱的截取、编辑和打印的技巧。

    A method of cutting , editing and printing screen picture in thermal neutron diffraction pattern , which is provided by two profile refinement programs ( RIETAN & FULLPROF ), is given through the combined application of several software programs on personal computer .

  26. 热中子时间谱测井谱的解析

    Analysis of Time spectrum Recorded in Thermal Neutron Time spectrometry Logging

  27. 典型几何热中子计数器效率研究

    On the detection efficiencies of thermal neutron counters with typical shapes

  28. 我国热中子透射计的应用热中子透射法测陶料水分

    Measurement of moisture in pottery materials using thermal neutron transmission method

  29. 热中子非弹性散射及其在材料科学中的应用

    Thermal neutron inelastic scattering and its application to the material science

  30. 用超热中子活化法测定大鼠肝脏亚细胞组分中的砷

    Determination of arsenic in subcellular fractions of rat liver by ENAA