
  • 网络thermal expansivity;thermal expansion rate;Thermal expansion coefficient
  1. 陶瓷型芯在高温时的热膨胀率及热膨胀系数都很小,型芯有很好的高温尺寸稳定性。

    In the high temperature the thermal expansion and thermal expansivity of ceramic cores are small , and the size stability is extremely good .

  2. Si-Al系列合金的热膨胀率,随着Si相含量的增加而减小,随着温度的升高而增大。

    The coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE ) of Si-Al series alloy , With the Si phase content increases , showing the trend decreases , and increases with increasing temperature .

  3. 覆膜砂热膨胀率的试验研究

    Orthogonal Experiment of Shock Expansion Rate of Precoated Sand Hottest Word

  4. 通过试验,提出了涂层在高温下开裂的原因,是由于涂层与型芯相对热膨胀率的差异引起的;

    The reason of the coating layer cracking at high temperature has been analyzed .

  5. 精确度:尺寸稳定性极佳,模塑收缩率低,热膨胀率低。

    Accuracy : dimensional stability , low mold shrinkage , low thermal expansion rate .

  6. 包埋材料热膨胀率和凝固膨胀率变化对铸件铸造精度影响的研究

    Effect of difference between thermal and setting expansion rate of the investments on the precision of castings

  7. 结果表明:添加AT或A+T均能有效地降低材料的热膨胀率;

    The dilatometric experiments showed that both AT and A + T can effectively decrease thermal expansion rate .

  8. 由于玻纤的周向取向,挤出管材的出模膨胀及周向热膨胀率皆有所降低。

    Owning to the obstruction of oriented glass fibers , thermal expansion ratio and die swell decrease in hoop direction .

  9. 研究了外加5%~10%的β锂辉石或氧化锆对堇青石陶瓷热膨胀率的影响。

    β - spodumene or ZrO 2 of 5 % ~ 10 % was added into green bodies to decrease the thermal expansion rate of the ceramics .

  10. 数值结果表明,采用较小弹性模量和热膨胀率的材料可以有效地减小热应力,基板和芯片的厚度是影响封装体变形的主要参数。

    The numerical results show that the less elasticity module and coefficient of thermal expansion can availably reduce thermal stress and the major parameters affecting the package warpage are the substrate thickness and die thickness .

  11. 方法:采用自制的钛合金粉浆涂塑底层冠用耐火代型材料(基础型),分别测定常温下的凝固膨胀率和室温至800℃的热膨胀率。

    Methods : The setting expansion ratio of refractory die material for slip casting core of sintered titanium powder at room temperature was performed , as well as thermal expansion ratio from room temperature to 800 ℃ .

  12. 结果表明:包埋料的最大凝固膨胀率为0.1%,800℃的热膨胀率为0.46%,总膨胀率为0.56%,完全可以满足实际义齿铸造的要求。

    The result shows that the investment materials can completely meet the requirement of actual false teeth manufacturing due to its maximum solidifying expansion rate of 0.1 % and thermal expansion rate of 0.46 [ WTXT ] % at 800 ℃ as well as totally expansion rate of 0.56 % .

  13. 随着SiC颗粒含量的增加,复合材料的热膨胀系数和导热率降低;

    The coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of the composites decreased with the increase of SiC particles .

  14. 另外,随着稀土氧化物掺量不断增加,N系列玻璃网络结构的连接削弱,玻璃的析晶热稳定性和热膨胀率均有所降低。

    What 's more , when the rare earth oxide doped into the N series glass structure gradually , the interlinkages of the glass network weakened , the crystalline thermal stability impaired , also the ratio of thermal swell decreased .

  15. 运用多元回归分析方法,研究了SiC颗粒含量、粒度及纯度对SiCp/Cu复合材料热膨胀系数和导热率的影响规律。

    Multiple regression analyses were formulated to explore the influence mechanism on the coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of the SiC p / Cu composites by three deterministic factors , which were content , granularity and purity of the SiC particles .

  16. 复合材料的热膨胀系数和热导率随纤维含量的增加而减小。

    Thermal expansion coefficients and thermal conductivities of the composites are decreased with the increase of carbon fiber content .

  17. 通过对晶体相关性能的测量,发现掺杂Nb5+使得晶体的损伤阈值和热导率降低,而Yb~(3+)的掺人使得晶体的热膨胀系数和热导率分别减小和增大。

    Doping of Yb ~ ( 3 + ) makes the thermal expansion coefficient and the thermal conductivity decreasing and increasing separately .

  18. 中空微纳米结构由于具有众多特性,如低密度、高比表面积、低的热膨胀系数和折射率,是理想的催化剂材料。

    Hollow micro - / nanostructures possess a lot of characteristics such as low density , high surface-to-volume ratio , and low coefficients of thermal expansion and refractive index that make them attractive for catalyst support .

  19. 研究了含不同颗粒尺寸复合材料的室温拉伸性能;分析了不同颗粒尺寸的引入对SiCp/Al复合材料热膨胀行为和热导率的影响规律。

    The tensile properties at room temperature of the composites containing particles with different sizes were studied . The effects of particle size on the thermal expansion behaviors and thermal conductivity of the SiCp / Al composites were analyzed .

  20. 材料的热物理性质通常包括热膨胀系数、热导率、热容等。对于块材而言,其热物理性质参数与材料的几何参数无关,是材料本身的属性。

    Thermophysical properties of materials typically include coefficient of thermal expansion , thermal conductivity , heat capacity , etc. For the bulk materials , the thermophysical parameters are independent of the Geometry of the materials .

  21. 根据所测得的数据,我国油页岩的热膨胀行为可以分成两类:(1)热膨胀率随温度的升高而递增(如桦甸、新疆、抚顺油页岩);

    According to the data obtained , the thermoexpansion behaviors of these five Chinese oil shales can be classified into two categories : ( 1 ) thermo-expansion rate increases with the rise of temperature ( Huadian , Xinjiang and Fushun oil shales );

  22. 研究了硬脂酸钙添加量对壳型覆膜砂热开裂时间的影响,并考察了其对热压强度、热弹性模量及暴热膨胀率的作用。

    The influence of calcium stearate addition on the hot cracking time of coated sand and its effects on the hot compression strength , thermoelastic modulus and sudden heating expansion rate were investigated .