
  • 网络heat flux;Thermal flux;CHF
  1. 南海这种混合层深度分布特征除了与热通量的季节变化有关外,在相当大的程度上与季风引起的Ekman输送及Ekman抽吸有关。

    The seasonal variations of the mixed layer depth is mainly caused by the net heat flux , Ekman transport and Ekman pumping caused by monsoon .

  2. 热通量辐射模型估算辐射通量。

    The heat flux model was applied to prediction of the heat flux .

  3. 森林蒸散量日变化特点是白天高于夜间,中午最高,夜间潜热通量和显热通量(H)有低估的现象;

    Forest evapotranspiration was higher in the daytime than that at night , with the highest value occurring at noon .

  4. 对液膜破裂的条件进行了实验研究,得出了无量纲热通量B与临界雷诺数的关系式。

    By experimental investigation to the break of liquid film , we proved that the relational expression between non-dimensional heat flux B and critical Reynolds number .

  5. LAS测定显热通量的影响因子分析

    Analysis of the Factors Impacting Surface Sensible Heat Fluxes with Large Aperture Scintillometers

  6. 风向对LAS和EC观测感热通量值有显著影响。

    Wind direction has a significant effect on sensible heat flux by LAS and EC .

  7. 潜热和感热通量能使SST的下降的最大值为3℃。

    And latent heat and sensible heat fluxes could make the SST decrease 3 ℃ .

  8. HL-1装置等离子体删削层的热通量研究

    Study on heat flux of plasma scrape-off layer in HL-1 TOKAMAK

  9. 潜热通量、显热通量、净辐射、光合有效辐射均与CO2通量呈极显著正相关。

    Latent heat flux , sensible heat flux , net radiation flux and photosynthetic active radiation are all significantly positively related with CO2 flux .

  10. 目前涡动相关法被认为是国内外测定CO2、水热通量的最可靠方法。

    At present eddy-covariance technique ( ECT ) is considered one of the most reliable methods in measuring CO_2 , heat and moisture fluxes .

  11. 在此基础上,利用LAS的观测结果对丘陵地区地表感热通量的变化特征进行了分析研究,首次揭示了四川盆地丘陵地区地气相互作用的一些新事实。

    Furthermore , the characteristics of ground surface sensible flux change is analyzed according to the LAS data .

  12. 通过MatLab在若干导热过程实例中的应用,探讨稳态与动态传热过程中温度分布、传热量、热通量等参数的求解与分析方法。

    The method of solution and analysis of temperature distribution , rate of heat transfer and heat flux was discussed by application of MatLab in several example of conduction .

  13. 海表热通量异常可近似为一个与SST成正比的线性反馈项与一个大气强迫项之和。

    The heat flux anomaly is approximated as a forcing term plus a feedback term which is linear in SST .

  14. 并且暖池热通量加热实验会导致FOAM模式对暖池和ENSO非对称性的模拟变差。

    But the heat flux forcing over warm pool may cause to the worse simulation of warm pool and ENSO asymmetry in FOAM .

  15. 得到了Reynolds应力、脉动热通量和Prandtl数的分布。

    The distributions of Reynolds shear stress , fluctuation heat flux and turbulent Prandtl number were obtained .

  16. 下垫面不均匀性对LAS和EC的感热通量差异影响显著。

    Which indicates that : the inhomogeneity of underlying surface has a significant influence on difference of sensible heat flux by LAS and EC .

  17. 显热通量与CO2通量的相关系数在0.801~0.953之间,拔节期相关性最高,苗期次之,抽穗期和灌浆期较低;

    That of sensitive heat flux to CO2 flux is0.801 ~ 0.953 , higher at jointing stage , next at seeding stage but low at heading and filling stages .

  18. 结果表明:中北太平洋西部(T区)和日本以东洋面(R区)当年春季热通量的异常分布形势是长江中下游夏季旱涝的一个前期讯号。

    Results show that the heat flux anomalous mode in the T and R areas in the preceding spring is a presage for the summer rain anomaly in the mid-and low-reaches of Yangtze River .

  19. 雨天状况下,各种植被间标量粗糙度的差异减小了。计算的地表温度、感热通量、潜热通量较原BATS的更为合理。

    The calculated land surface temperature , sensible heat flux andlatent heat flux is more reasonable than those in unchanged BATS .

  20. 拟合得到最适稳定度普适函数fTGuyuan,并通过比较不同方法得到的感热通量,证实fTGuyuan函数是合理可靠的。

    The function fT_Guyuan was proved to be reasonable and reliable by comparing different calculation methods for sensible heat flux .

  21. 在冬季热带外北太平洋上,海洋向大气释放的湍流热通量同SST倾向存在显著的相关。

    In the extratropical North Pacific Ocean , significant correlation exists between anomalous latent and sensible heat flux and SST tendency anomalies in boreal winter .

  22. 分析表明,模式模拟的北太平洋冬季大尺度的大气环流异常通过影响湍流热通量从而决定SST的变率。

    Analysis shows that the anomalous largescale atmospheric circulation affects the turbulent heat flux and thus plays a significant role in changing the SST anomalies .

  23. 热带气旋-海洋相互作用通过SST下降减少向上的热通量,潜热通量的减少对SST的下降更敏感。

    Upward heat flux is decreased by SST reduction induced by air-sea interaction , the laten heat flux decrease is more sensitive to the SST reduction .

  24. RAMS模式被应用于内蒙半干旱草原地区地气系统水热通量交换及水循环过程研究。

    Regional Atmospheric Model System is used in the study of water and energy flux exchange in Inner Mongolia .

  25. 应用CO2激光点火器研究了丁羟推进剂中氧含量、燃速等因素及激光点火热通量与点火延迟时间之间的关系。

    The effect of the oxygen content , burning rates of HTPB propellants and the laser radiant flux on the ignition delay time was investigated experimentally with a CO 2 laser ignition apparatus .

  26. 海面风场和净热通量场通过改变混合层的深度影响PN断面处黑潮水和陆架水之间的混合,而海面降水对于PN断面上的水团分布特征没有显著影响。

    The sea surface wind stress and net heat flux affect the seasonal variation of water mass character in the PN section by changing the mixed layer depth every season .

  27. 对于东海而言,风速、降雨、海-气温差和SST变化与感热通量都有较好的相关性。

    As for East China Sea , wind speed , precipitation , difference in air-sea temperature and SST change depicts fairly good agreement with the sensible heat flux .

  28. 用逐日的欧洲中期数值预报中心再分析(ERA)风应力,和由Haney公式结合ERA海表资料与预报海温计算出的热通量强迫一个全球大洋环流模式。

    An ocean general circulation model is forced by daily ECMWF reanalysis ( ERA ) wind stresses and the heat fluxes calculated by Haney formula in the tropical Pacific .

  29. 研究发现不同的加热方式对沸腾滞后影响明显:当热通量逐渐增加时,出现滞后现象,而此后逐渐降低热通量,会产生TD滞后(TemperatureDeviation)。

    The heating methods have evident effects on hysteresis . Hysteresis occurs under the condition of increasing the heat flux with constant pressure , while TD hysteresis ( Temperature Deviation ) occurs when decreasing the heat flux .

  30. NEP区和NWP区夏季的海气温差、感热通量、潜热通量有明显的差异。

    There are distinct differences of air-sea temperature difference , latent heat and sensible heat flux between NEP and NWP .