
  • 网络Peel
  1. 时尚编辑认为我们需要下更大的血本,她帮我预定了明星焕肤专家特蕾西・马丁(TracieMartyn)的面部护理。马丁为布拉德・皮特(BradPitt)、艾伦・里克曼(AlanRickman)和麦当娜(Madonna)做过青春焕肤。

    The style editor decided we needed to seriously up the ante and helped me book a facial with celebrity youthifier Tracie Martyn , who 's rejuvenated Brad Pitt , Alan Rickman and Madonna .

  2. 据举办第十一届“泥巴狂欢节”的保宁市称,当地的泥巴具有焕肤和安神的特殊功效。

    Boryeong says its mud has special powers to refresh the skin and soothe the soul .

  3. 它能够提亮、焕肤,还能活化肌肤,甚至可以在化妆后使用。

    It tones , refreshes and stimulates the skin , and can even be used over make-up .

  4. 前五位的其他操作还有激光脱毛、微晶磨砂焕肤和激光皮肤磨削术。

    Other procedures making the top five were laser hair removal , microdermabrasion , and laser skin resurfacing .