
  • 网络Coal coking;coal carbonization;c oal coking
  1. 双环戊二烯主要来自石油裂解制乙烯副产物的C5馏分和煤炭焦化副产物。

    Dicyclopentadiene ( DCPD ) mostly comes from the C5 fraction of by-product which is produced in the process of preparation of ethylene by petroleum cracking and by-product of the coal-coking process .

  2. 安徽马鞍山市是一座新兴的产业结构单一的钢铁工业城市,城市空气污染物主要来源于钢铁工业的矿石冶炼、煤炭焦化及工业锅炉等点源污染。

    Ma'anshan is a newer city in Anhui province , which has a singular structure-iron & steel industry . The pollutants in the city are point source pollution , which mainly comes from ore melting , coal coking and coal burning .

  3. 山西省作为我国的重要工业基地,也高度重视装备制造业的发展,将其列为山西省继煤炭、焦化、电力、冶金之后的第五大支柱产业。

    As a important industrial base , Shanxi Province has also payed much attention to equipment manufacturing industry , which has been the fifth big pillar industry following coal , coking , power and metallurgical .

  4. 浅谈我省煤炭资源保护与焦化工业的可持续发展

    Coal Resources Protection and Coking Industry Continual Development in Shanxi

  5. 论中小型焦化厂的技术改造(二)&煤气初冷与终冷脱萘系统太原煤炭气化总公司焦化厂初冷工艺的改进

    Technological Reformation of the Small and Medium Coking Plants (ⅱ) Improvement on Coke oven Gas Precooling Process

  6. 喷淋式饱和器工艺在太原煤炭气化总公司焦化厂的应用

    Application of Spraying Saturator Process in the Coking Plant of Taiyuan Coal Gasification ( Group ) Co. Ltd

  7. 提出:基于我国煤炭资源特点及焦化工业和焦炭质量的现状,开发采用炼焦新工艺的必要性更为突出;

    According to the charaCteristics of coal resources , the present situation of coking industry and coke quality in our country , it is more necessary to develop and adopt the new coking process .