
rán liào kù
  • fuel depot/reservoir
  1. 事故起源于该石油公司燃料库内。

    The actual accident occurred inside the premises of the company .

  2. 你还没找到燃料库和装载机?

    You stiII haven 't found their fuei depot and their carrier yet ?

  3. 作为额外的保证,国际原子能机构一直在提出种种设想以求最终能建成一个燃料库。

    As added reassurance , the IAEA has been developing ideas for a fuel bank of last resort .

  4. 去年,政府去年从克什米尔夏季首府斯利那加减少了16个军事燃料库。

    Last year , the government removed 16 military bunkers from Srinagar , the summer capital of Kashmir .

  5. 因此,我们将把支持国际燃料库和有效的燃料服务安排作为我们不扩散政策的重要内容。

    So we will support international fuel banks and effective fuel service arrangements as key components of our nonproliferation policy .

  6. 这就是为什么我们要创建新的燃料库,帮助一些国家在不增加我们所担心的核危险的情况下得到它们寻求获得的能源。

    And thats why were creating new fuel banks , to help countries realize the energy they seek without increasing the nuclear dangers that we fear .

  7. 在该软件中新增了煤层气燃料库,根据煤层气特殊的理化性质,建立了燃用煤层气的发动机仿真分析平台。

    Add in the software library of CBM fuel , according to the special physical and chemical properties of CBM , and then establishment the engine fueled with coal bed methane simulation platform .

  8. 在某种程度上,这也是由于叛军领袖是从一个燃料库开始推行战略的,在故事中有陷阱的感觉;而13区又位于地下,围绕着光线昏暗的多层天井,看上去很像核武器的发射井,使人觉得身体受到限制。

    To an extent , since the rebel leaders are strategizing from a bunker , the sense of entrapment works for the story , as do the physical limitations presented by District 13 , which is underground and organized around a dimly lit , multilevel atrium that looks like a repurposed silo .

  9. 这条通道通向水雷和鱼雷零件库以及燃料储存库。

    The corridor leading to the mine and torpedo part and to the fuel storage .

  10. 而美国正在停建尤卡山项目&它唯一可能的废燃料储存库工程。

    The US is stopping work on the Yucca mountain project-its only potential repository for spent fuel .

  11. 目击者说,支持卡扎菲的部队使用直升机和火箭袭击了这个由反叛分子控制的港口城市的燃料储备库,导致储备库发生爆炸和燃烧。

    Witnesses say pro-Gadhafi forces used helicopters and rockets to attack fuel storage tanks in the rebel-held port city , causing them to explode and burn .