
  • 网络independent guarantee
  1. 由于独立保函起源于国际商事贸易实践,相关国际规则中又都惯常使用见索即付保函的说法,故本文也大都采用见索即付保函的提法。

    Whereas , the origin of the independent guarantee came from international business practice , the related international rules would like to say demand guarantee .

  2. 具体到我国,我国学者对独立保函的研究多是集中于法律层面,从贸易实务的角度对独立保函的研究相对较少,而实务中我国已经较多的使用了独立保函。

    Specific to China , research of our scholars for independent guarantee mostly focused on the legal level , research from trade practice perspective is relatively short , while China has made more use of independent guarantee in practice .

  3. 在实践中银行独立保函欺诈情况时常出现,国际上对此没有统一的救济措施,从各国的司法实践来分析,存在常用救济手段,如法院禁令、保全措施命令以及Mareva禁令。

    The independent bank guarantee fraud occurs in the practice frequently , and there is no unified international relief measure , from the judicial practice to analyze the commonly used relief means , such as a court injunction , preservation measures command and Mareva ban .

  4. 第三部分,国际银行独立保函欺诈的救济手段。

    The third part introduces means of relief for the fraud .

  5. 工程建设与贸易中独立保函实务及风险管理

    Practice and Risk Control of Demand Guarantee for Construction and Trading

  6. 国际承包工程独立保函相关法律问题研究

    On Relevant Legal Problems of Demand Guarantee Letter in International Contract Project

  7. 担保是福费廷无追索权实现的间接保证,保付签字、独立保函及备用信用证是福费廷中担保的主要方式。

    Certified signatures , independent guarantees and standby letters of credit is the main guarantee way of forfeiting .

  8. 因此独立保函不仅是国际经济活动中常使用的一种担保工具,也是国际经济法上的一项重要的担保制度。

    Demand guarantee letter becomes not only an often used warranty tool but also a legal institution in international economic law .

  9. 在这些国际公约与惯例中,《联合国独立保函和备用信用证公约》是唯一具有立法性质的文件。

    In these convention and practices , the United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit is the only legislative document .

  10. 首先,作者对国际承包工程独立保函的主要条款进行法律分析。

    Author does his research work from two aspects . One is analysis on basic clauses of demand guarantee letter in international contract project .

  11. 接着分析了实务中的直接和间接两种独立保函的法律关系构造,并就其中的一些问题阐明了自己的观点。

    Then it analyzes the legal structure of direct and indirect letter of guarantee in practice and deliberates some opinions upon some issues involved therein .

  12. 中国的法律现状和司法审判与国际经济和法律界对独立保函和独立担保的认同趋势相矛盾。

    The legislation and jurisdiction activities in China are contradictory to the views of the international economic and legal society , which have confirmed the existence of independent guarantee .

  13. 首先,作者回顾了国际承包工程独立保函的产生历史,在分析比较各国对独立保函不同定义的基础上指出独立性是区分独立保函和传统担保制度的关键。

    Author starts with the history of demand guarantee letter in international contract project and compares different definitions in different countries . He points out that independence is its key feature .

  14. 认清四者之间的差异,有利于独立保函和备用信用证的当事方更为清晰地认识自己的权利与义务,从而促进国际贸易的正常发展。

    The clear recognition of their differences will make the parties concerned understand their rights and obligations more clearly , and at the same time , promote the international business develop healthily .

  15. 它的出台为独立保函和备用信用证这两种担保方式确立了一套统一的规则,构筑了国际担保的统一的法律基础,对其在日常商业交易中的使用提供了更大的法律确定性。

    The Convention established a harmonized set of rules for the independent guarantees and stand-by letters of credit , so it will provide greater legal certainty in their use of day-to-day commercial transactions and facility the use of them .

  16. 该业务通过签发银行独立保函或备用信用证,在实现传统担保功能的基础上,吸收了商业信用证的独立性原则,形成了集担保、融资与支付功能为一体的业务运作机制。

    Upon issuance of Bank Independent Bond or Standby Letter of Credit , Bank Independent Guarantee integrate all the functions as guarantee , financing and payment under an uniformed business system , which is based on the traditional undertaking nature and independent principals of documentary credits .

  17. 本文主要探讨了国际贸易中银行以开立独立性保函的方式提供担保的法律问题。

    This thesis mainly discusses independent letter guarantee issued by the bank in international trade .

  18. 接着对实践中的独立性银行保函进行了分类,并分析了其在国际贸易中的作用。

    It makes a classification of the various independent bank guarantee in business practice and analyzes its functions in international business .

  19. 第三、四部分通过对独立性银行保函的独立性原则含义的分析,探讨了其欺诈例外和法律适用问题。

    It then discusses the independent principle of independent bank guarantee as well as its fraud exception in the third and fourth parts .

  20. 法律上所称之独立担保,在商业实践中惯常称之为独立保函,也即见索即付保函,因该类保函通常由银行开立,故又称之为见索即付银行保函。

    Independent Guaranty which is called in legal circles is likely called Independent Guarantee , namely Demand Guarantee in business world . Because in most cases , this kind of guarantee is issued by bank , so we call it Demand Bank Guarantee as well .