  • lion
  • 哺乳动物,雄的脖子上有长鬣,多产于非洲及印度西北部(通常称“狮子”;古亦作“师子”):~子舞。~子搏兔(喻对小事情也拿出全部力量,不轻视)。


(狮子) lion:

  • 美洲狮

    American [mountain] lion;

  • 母狮


  • 幼狮


  • 笼中之狮

    a lion in a cage;

  • 勇猛如狮

    bold as a lion;

  • 他像一头猛狮那样战斗。

    He fought like a lion.

  • 一只幼狮在动物园出生了。

    A small lion was cubbed in the zoo.

  1. 狮爪在马身一侧抓了一道深口。

    The lion 's claws had gouged a wound in the horse 's side .

  2. 他不知道该如何画狮爪。

    He doesn 't know how to paint a lion 's paw .

  3. 落基山脉中有熊和美洲狮生存。

    The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions .

  4. 狮属于猫科。

    Lions belong to the cat family .

  5. 这个拥有230万名成员的信托基金会被描述为环保运动方面的一头睡狮。

    The trust , which has 2.3 million members , has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement .

  6. 埃玛为马戏团驯狮。

    Emma tames lions for the circus .

  7. 有的工作比驾驶卡车更危险,例如驯狮。

    There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving ; for instance , training lions .

  8. 他像一头猛狮那样战斗。

    He fought like a lion .

  9. 狮、虎和豹都是猫科动物。

    Lions , tigers and leopards are all cats .

  10. 4月去时猛如狮。

    April went out like a lion .

  11. 他的工作是驯狮。

    His job is to tame lions .

  12. 云南省云龙县城狮尾河泥石流复式V型排导槽优化设计研究

    Application of Double V-Trough Drainage to Debris Flow of Lions Tail River in Yunlong County , Yunnan Province

  13. 虎、狮、豹等大型猫科动物可发生犬瘟热(CD),有必要进行预防。

    Large felids , such as tigers , lions and leopards are often infected with Canine Distemper ( CD ) .

  14. 万达官方网站显示,今年10月8日,王健林与狮门娱乐董事长马克•拉切斯基(MarkRachesky)在北京会晤。

    According to Wanda 's official website , Mr Wang met Mark Rachesky , chairman of Lions Gate , in Beijing on Oct 8 .

  15. 狮门影业没有提供中国的票房数据。在中国,该片票房不及华纳兄弟出品的3D大片《地心引力》(Gravity)。

    Lions Gate didn 't provide box office results from China , where the movie was beat by Warner Bros. ' 3-D hit ' Gravity . '

  16. 虎源和狮源H5N1亚型流感病毒进化分析与HA基因重组犬2型腺病毒构建研究

    Evolution of H5N1 Influenza Virus from Tigers and Lions and Construction of Recombinant Canine Adenovirus Type 2 Expressing Hemagglutinin Gene

  17. 在TorresDelPaine国家公园,美洲狮找到了避难所。

    In Torres Del Paine National Park , pumas have found a refuge .

  18. 华狮根据这一协议引入北美的首部影片是华谊兄弟推出的有关1976年中国唐山地震的影片《唐山大地震》(Aftershock)。

    China Lion 's first film under the deal was Huayi Bros 's'Aftershock , 'a drama about the1976 Tangshan earthquake in China .

  19. PCR-RFLP的鉴别结果与形态学鉴定结果一致,成功的鉴别了犬首蛔虫和狮弓蛔虫。

    The identification results of PCR-RFLP were the same with morphological identification results and successfully identified the Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara canis .

  20. 很快,导演亚历克斯·普罗亚斯(AlexProyas)和狮门公司就为新片《埃及众神战》(GodsofEgypt)中的演员缺乏多样性而道歉。

    Soon after , the director Alex Proyas and Lionsgate apologized for the lack of diversity in the cast in their new movie " Gods of Egypt . "

  21. 采取某动物园未免疫的东北虎、非洲狮、猞猁血样,用中和试验检测,结果显示这些动物的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)抗体水平均小于1:5。

    Blood samples from pre-immune Amur tiger , African lion and lynx were collected and the antibody against CDV was measured by neutralization tests .

  22. 该公司推出了两部小奖项竞争者:其一是与狮门公司(Lionsgate)合作推出的《爱与慈悲》(Love&Mercy),其二是与米拉麦克斯(Miramax)合作推出的《福尔摩斯先生》(Mr.Holmes)。

    That company did particularly well with two small prize contenders , " Love & Mercy " ( released in partnership with Lionsgate ) and " Mr. Holmes " ( with Miramax ) .

  23. 狮门娱乐公司(LionsGateEntertainmentCorp)周一(11月2日)证实,一家占地100英亩、以詹妮弗·劳伦斯(JenniferLawrence)和利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯(LiamHemsworth)主演的热映系列电影《饥饿游戏》为主题的公园将于2019年前在亚特兰大开业。

    A 100-acre theme park dedicated to the blockbuster movie franchise starring Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth is set to open in Atlanta by 2019 , Lions Gate Entertainment Corp confirmed on Monday .

  24. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)与狮门娱乐(LionsGateEntertainment)达成合作,为中国的阿里巴巴机顶盒用户提供独家订购类影视娱乐服务。狮门娱乐为美国电影制片厂,曾出品过《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)等电影。

    Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba Group is teaming up with Lions Gate Entertainment , the US studio that produced The Hunger Games films , to offer Chinese owners of Alibaba 's set-top box a subscription TV service , write Charles Clover and Shannon Bond .

  25. 读者也忍不住会被罗伯特·洛威尔(RobertLowell)所吸引,毕肖普曾把这位才华横溢、神经兮兮的文学之狮引为自己生平最亲密的朋友。

    And it 's still impossible for a reader to resist getting sucked into the orbit of Robert Lowell , the rapaciously brilliant and royally messed-up literary lion whom Bishop considered her closest friend .

  26. 至于其他电影票房方面的消息,狮门影业公司(LionsGateEntertainmentCorp.)出品的《分歧者》(Divergent)第二周票房跌至第二位,上周票房估计为2650万美元,上映以来北美总票房为9530万美元。

    In other box office news , ' Divergent ' from Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. dropped to second place in its second week , collecting an estimated $ 26.5 million for a cumulative $ 95.3 million in the U.S. and Canada .

  27. 例如,我们曾有一个罕见的无盖怀表,大约是1860年左右路易斯·奥德马尔、布拉苏斯与热纳瓦公司(LouisAudemars,Brassus&Geneva)为中国市场制造的,上面有独具特色的狩猎场面,绘有大象、狮子、马和狩猎者。

    For example , we had a rare open-faced watch made for the Chinese market from about 1860 by Louis Audemars , Brassus & Geneva , with specialized hunting scenes depicting an elephant , lion , horse and hunters .

  28. 记者通过电子邮件联系到《饥饿游戏:嘲笑鸟》(上)出品方狮门影业(Lionsgate),但一位发行人员拒绝置评。

    Reached by email , a press officer for Lionsgate , the film 's production company , declined to comment .

  29. 美国联邦航空管理局表示,这两种无人机为英西图公司的“扫描鹰X200”和航空环境公司的“美洲狮”。

    The Federal Aviation Administration says the drones are Insitu 's Scan Eagle X200 and Aero Vironment 's PUMA .

  30. 非洲狮(Pantheraleo)群处于不断的分裂-聚合过程,其亚群大小与原狮群大小以及诸如狮群捕食成功度、协作幼仔保护及狮群领域防卫等社会性因素有关。

    Lions Panthera leo live in fission-fusion groups , with the size of the sub-groups being related to the original pride size and social factors , such as group-size-specific foraging success , cooperative cub defense and group territoriality .