
  1. 肯定是玄奘法师嘛。

    The character definitely refers to monk Xuan zang .

  2. 1956年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。

    Before 1956 , the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang .

  3. 本文旨在探讨玄奘法师随兄入蜀,在成都五年的参学之地和受戒之事,详论多宝寺与大慈寺的深厚渊源,力求破解玄奘法师在成都大慈寺受戒的千古悬案。

    It discusses in detail on the tie between Duobaosi and Dacisi , trying to solve the age-old unsettled issues of Venerable Hsuan Chuang 's ordainment in Chengdu Dacisi .