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wáng gōng guì zú
  • the nobility;kings, princes and aristocrats
王公贵族[wáng gōng guì zú]
  1. 这些追求你的人都是王公贵族。

    These men who ask for your hand are royal kings and princes .

  2. 假如你能&与三教九流为伍而独善其身,与王公贵族同行而不忘本色;

    If you can talk with crows and keep your virtue , or walk with kings & nor lose the common touch ;

  3. 不管亨利出现于欧洲什么地方总会遇到一些王公贵族。

    Whenever Henry went in Europe , he met with royalty .

  4. 他们才不关心王公贵族玩的游戏.

    They don 't care what games the high lords play .

  5. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。

    The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt .

  6. 第二天早晨,王国里所有的王公贵族都聚集在宫殿的庭院里。

    The following morning all the lords and ladies of the kingdom assembled in the palace grounds .

  7. 这样看来,纽约人如果来到北京,应该能过上王公贵族般的生活。

    At first glance , it may seem that New York expats in Beijing are living like maharajahs .

  8. 较高阶层的「俗的」(王公贵族等)远离用手的劳力(了战斗以外)将劳力的工作留给农人和工匠。

    The higher classes shunned manual labor ( except for fighting ), leaving that to the peasants and the artisans .

  9. 王公贵族中古时代斯堪的纳维亚地区的领袖或贵族所有的展品都是古代王公贵族的殉葬品。

    A great medieval Scandinavian chieftain or nobleman . All the exhibits here were funeral objects for emperors and noblemen in ancient times .

  10. 然后,羞愧难当的国王和所有的王公贵族返回了宫殿,留下树桩在他们身后呱呱大笑。

    Then the shamed King and all the noblemen and women returned to the palace , leaving the tree stump cackling behind them .

  11. 从王公贵族到平民百姓,中秋祭月和赏月都是非常重要的习俗。

    From the royalty to the populace , it is an important custom to sacrifice to and appreciate the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival .

  12. 彩票具有悠久的历史渊源,它曾是罗马皇帝以及后来的欧洲封建王公贵族的娱乐形式。

    Lotteries are of ancient origin ; they were used in the entertainment of the Roman emperors and later of the feudal princes of Europe .

  13. 认清了这个事实之后,我们可以这么说,追随盗匪的行为标准者,他们实际上,有朝一日可能会成为王公贵族。

    Making it clear , we may declare that those who abide by the codes of conduct of bandit would become the king and dukes someday .

  14. 官员、王公贵族和知识分子对于边疆治理问题不约而同的空前关注,清政府对于边疆治理政策也做了一些调整。

    Officials , nobles and intellectuals unanimously paid unprecedented attention to border governance issues . The border control policies of the Qing government began to make some adjustments .

  15. 明天早晨你必须协助我为我的王公贵族们表演魔法;如果有人嘲笑我,我就砍掉你的头!”

    Tomorrow morning you will assist me to perform magic for the benefit of my lords and ladies , and if anybody laughs at me , I shall have you beheaded ! "

  16. 早期美柔汀更多是作为复制油画和王公贵族们的复制手段来存在,17世纪中期荷兰成为美柔汀版画的中心。

    In the early period , Mezzotint mostly used to copy painting or used as a copy mean for the nobility , but in the mid 17th century , Netherlands became its focal point .

  17. 不只是国际上的王公贵族,好莱坞影星及国家元首来此休闲,现在更多的人们也了解了她的自然之美。

    Not only have international royalty , Hollywood stars and heads of state come to Lake Louise to relax , but increasingly the rest of the world is discovering its simple charms as well .

  18. 公养即是官府专门设置以供公共事宜所需,为众人提供饮食服务的人员,其所供应饮食的对象主要包括王公贵族、各国使节及随从。

    That is , the official specifically required to set up for the public , providing catering services for all personnel , serving food include Kings and nobles , primarily by States envoys and Entourage .

  19. 奴隶制时代,4000到2500年前,流行以活人殉葬,所有的展品都是古代王公贵族的殉葬品。

    In Chinese Slavery Society about 4,000 to 2,500 years ago , living people were buried with the dead as sacrifices . All the exhibits here were funeral objects for emperors and noblemen in ancient times .

  20. 怀表的诞生有其实用需求的原因,因为它更加便携。但怀表很快成了一种身份的象征,只有社会名流或王公贵族才能佩戴得起。

    The pocket watch was born from a practical desire for a more portable way of telling time , but it quickly became a status symbol , only to be worn by the influential or royal .

  21. 宫殿般的皇家套房十分适合王公贵族居住,有豪华的休息厅、图书馆和影院,还有两个主卧,每间都有最大号浴缸和五头花洒。

    The palatial Royal Suite is fit for a maharaja , with an exquisite lounge , library and cinema room , along with two master bathrooms , each with full-size jacuzzis and separate five-head rain showers .

  22. 露茜心想,他们一定是些王公贵族,因为她能一眼看见水里有些人的脑门上金光闪闪,翠绿色的飘带或橙红色的织物在他们肩上飘动。

    They must be noble and lordly people , Lucy thought , for she could catch the gleam of gold on some of their foreheads and streamers of emerald - or orange-coloured stuff fluttered from their shoulders in the current .

  23. 但由于种烟的巨大利益,清代皇帝、王公贵族和政府官员多亦吸食和嗜好烟草,以及吸烟容易上瘾使人产生依赖等原因,明清政府对烟草的政策经历了从厉禁到放任的过程。

    But for its great interest , besides , the majority of nobles and emperors of Qing Dynasty smoked tobacco , smokers were easily addicted to it , governors of Ming and Qing Dynasties had to let it along after forbidding .

  24. 最早的行政许可法律制度诞生于英国,1737年通过的《许可证法》赋予英国王公贵族对剧院演出享有许可权,要求所有的演员和剧目在演出前必须取得许可。

    The system of administrative license originated from England , where the License Act was enacted in 1737 , which gave the right of permission to the nobles on performing in the theatre , and all performers and performance should get license beforehand .