
  1. 断魂的诗语&论戴望舒诗歌中的死亡意识王家新与俄罗斯流亡诗人诗学关系研究

    Research on Poetry Relationship between WANG Jia-xin and Russian Poets in Exile

  2. 谁是诗歌的英雄&读王家新《没有英雄的诗》

    Who is the hero of poetry-Reading Wang Jia-xin s Poetry without Heroes ;

  3. 从于坚和北岛、王家新诗歌看诗歌和生活的关系

    Through poems of Yu Jian , Bei Dao and Wang Jia-xin to see the relation between poem and life

  4. 青岛市副市长王家新希望这一活动有助于改变当地经济的增长模式。

    Qingdao 's Vice Mayor , Wang Jiaxin , hopes the event will help to change the growth model of the local economy .

  5. 社会现实环境的影响,诗歌内部发展的要求以及个人诗学观的变化是王家新创作转型的主要原因。

    The influence of social reality , the internal development demand of poetry and his individual poetic conception change are the main reasons for his transformation .

  6. 在朦胧诗潮的影响下,王家新早期的诗歌大都充满了强烈的历史意识、文化意识和生命意识,采用了意象化的手法,语言简单而质朴。

    Influenced by misty poetry trend , his early poems were full of strong historical , cultural , and life conception , in intention style and simple language .

  7. 第三部分为王家新构建的新型诗学理论体系,着重分析个人写作、中国话语场、跨文体写作、互文写作和反讽的塑造。

    Part III is the new model poetics theory system that Wang Jia Xin structures , emphasizes analytical individual writing , Chinese utterance striding over style of writing writing , each other language writing and opposing molding chanting .

  8. 第二部分为王家新创造的诗学美学标准,从对自我的存在和生命的选择、对话孤独的灵魂、生命的苦难意识以及追求生命的终极价值四方面详细论述。

    Poetics aesthetics standard that Part II is Wang Jia Xin creates , four aspect comments that detailedly from the lonely soul choosing , having a dialogue , the life suffering consciousness and the paroxysm value running after life to oneself existence and life .