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  1. 今年57岁的王怡(音译)是位清洁工,独自居住在上海,她说这个法律总比什么也没有强。

    Cleaning lady Wang Yi , 57 , who lives alone in Shanghai , said the new law is better than nothing .

  2. 王怡有两个儿子,现在都在几百公里外的广东省工作,只有每年过年团圆时才能见到一面。

    Her two sons work several hundred kilometers ( miles ) away in southern Guangdong province and she sees them only at an annual family reunion .

  3. 根据实验数据和采用王怡评定罗非鱼感官的评分标准,建立0℃、8℃和15℃三个温度水平的罗非鱼保鲜期实验方程;

    Based on experiment data and the target value of Wang Yi , a equation is set up for the preservation of the TILAPIA at 0 ℃ 8 ℃ and 15 ℃ temperature .

  4. 王怡和史玉明比较了二阶差分方程的周期和反周期边值问题的特征值,得到了与连续情况类似的比较不等式[75]。

    Wang and Shi [ 75 ] compared the eigenvalues of the periodic and antiperiodic boundary value problems of second-order difference equations . They obtained beautiful inequalities among the eigenvalues , which are similar to those for second-order ordinary differential equations .