
  1. 日本的K.王羲之书法与日本平假名的产生

    Study results given by K. Wang Xi-zhi 's Handwriting and the Birth of Japanese Hiragana

  2. 李世民对王羲之书法认为已经达到了“尽善尽美”。

    Li Shimin regarded Wang 's calligraphy work as perfect .

  3. 王羲之书法与汉字书写科学

    Chinese Character Writing and Wang Xizhi ′ s Calligraphy

  4. 略论唐代书学理论关于王羲之书法地位的变迁

    On the Change of Wang Xizhi 's Position in the Theory of Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty

  5. 休闲思想促进王羲之在书法艺术领域的创新实践。

    And the leisure thought promoted his innovation in calligraphy practice .

  6. 王羲之的书法理论与实践,使汉字通过毛笔书写走上了今体书写科学的巅峰。

    The theory and practice of Wang Xizhi 's calligraphy leads Chinese Character Writing to the top of the modern script .

  7. 例如,人们可能会想到莱昂纳多•达芬奇画蛋,王羲之练习书法和托马斯•爱迪生发明电灯的故事。

    One might recall Leonardo DaVinci 's drawing of an egg , Wang Xi Zhi practicing handwriting , or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb , for example .

  8. 北京的一位雕刻家曾在直径仅为5毫米的象牙片上雕刻了著名书法家王羲之的书法。

    An carver in Beijing once made an exact copy of piece of writing by the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi ( 321-379 ) on a piece of ivory five millimetres in diameter .

  9. 王羲之高超的书法水平。

    Wang Xizhi 's extraordinary calligraphy .

  10. 在童年时代,王羲之就对书法有浓厚的兴趣,他在练字的时候,往往废寝忘食。

    Even as a child , Wang Xizhi was absorbed in practising his calligraphy that he would often forget to eat .