
  • 网络environmental protection engineering;Environmental engineering
  1. “BTO”有益微生物技术是应用范围广、低投入、高产出、无公害、无污染的生态农业、环保工程应用项目。

    BTO , availability microbe technology , is widely used with advantages of low cost , high output , no pollution eco-agriculture and environmental engineering .

  2. 归纳了发电机房环保工程设计中应注意的问题。

    Firstly , this paper summarizes the advertent issues during the designing of environmental engineering .

  3. X公司是一家从事环保工程的民营企业。

    X-company is a private company engaged in environment protection projects .

  4. 重钢焦化废水处理系统采用了HSB高效微生物环保工程技术。

    HSB high-efficient microorganism environmental protection engineering technology is adopted in the coking waste water treatment system of Chongqing Iron and Steel Company .

  5. 环保工程方案优选的灰关联度分析方法

    Optimum Seeking Greg Relativity Analytical Method of Environmental Protection Engineering Scheme

  6. 新型抗腐蚀防渗漏环保工程防护溶胶

    Protecting Sol of Environmental Protection Engineering with New Anticorrosion and Anti-seep

  7. 环保工程项目经理管理方法与实践

    Management Method and Practice for Project Managers of Environment Engineering

  8. 这个环保工程是个“民心工程”。

    The environment-friendly project is a " popularity-winning " project .

  9. 畜禽养殖场能源环保工程的发展及其商业化运作模式的探讨

    Commercialized Operation Model and Development of Integrated Energy-Environment Engineering on Scaled Livestock Farms

  10. 环保工程投资计算与控制

    Calculation and Control for Project Investment of Environmental Protection

  11. 节能环保工程水压爆破研究与应用

    Research and Application of Engineering Water-pressure Blasting for Economizing Energy and Environmental Protection

  12. 数字环保工程实施方法研究

    Research on Implementation of Digital Environmental Protection Project

  13. 提高工程建设总承包管理水平综述环保工程总承包项目质量管理中存在的问题及对策

    Discussion on Problems Existing in Project Quality Management in Environmental Protection EPC Project with Countermeasures

  14. 浅议矩阵型组织结构在电力环保工程项目管理中的应用

    Discussion on the Application of Matrix Organization in the Project Management in Electric Environmental Protection Engineering

  15. 龙舟之乡顺德揽翠&顺德区青山、碧水、蓝天环保工程概述

    Environmental protection project outline of Shunde

  16. 聚烯烃中空纤维膜及分离新技术在环保工程中的开发、应用

    Development and Application of Polyolefin Hollow Fiber Membrance and Its Membrance Separation Technique to Environment Protection Engineering

  17. 中国国内市场需求旺盛,特别是对冶金类、低压环保工程类大口径阀门需要量潜力巨大。

    There will be China'booming market demand for such big-caliber metallurgical valves as metallurgy and low-pressure environmental protection project etc.

  18. 府南河整治工程是成都市20世纪最大的一项城市改造建设和环保工程。

    The Project of Renovating Funan River is the largest construction and environmental protection project of the City of Chengdu .

  19. 以及环境卫生或环保工程&研究供水系统、水净化系统与排污系统等。

    And sanitary or environmental engineering , which involves the study of water supply , purification , and sewer systems .

  20. 这种低价中标环境中,技术先进及成本优势是环保工程公司在竞争中取胜的关键成功因素,成本领先战略也成为环保企业的重要战略选择。

    In this case , advanced technology and cost advantage are of key importance for the environmental engineering company to win the competition .

  21. 市场分析:多晶硅是集冶金、化工、自动控制、电子学以及环保工程等学科为一体的工业化产业。

    Market Analysis : Polysilicon is an industrial industry that combines metallurgy , chemical industry , automatic control , electronics and environmental protection engineering in one .

  22. 无卤阻燃PC/ABS作为一种优异的环保工程塑料合金,在电子电器、办公设备等领域获得广泛应用。

    HF halogen free flame retardant PC / ABS has been widely used in electronic and electrical appliances and office equipments thanks to its superior quality .

  23. 产品已广泛应用于饲料、粮食、化肥、化工、建材、生物制品、矿业、环保工程等。

    The products are widely used in projects like feeding stuff , foodstuff , fertilizer , chemicals , building materials , biological products , mining and environmental protection , etc.

  24. 以及供应植物为免费树的几天里,苗圃也种树,以用于滩保护,环保工程,为公园和花园。

    As well as supplying plants for the free tree days , the nursery also grow trees to be used for beach protection , environmental projects and for parks and gardens .

  25. “多彩贵州城”将成为一个全方位的、立体环保工程,贵州人文与自然和谐,可持续发展的示范区。

    " Colorful Guizhou Town " will become comprehensive , solid environmental protection engineering , and will provide a guiding light that will lead Guizhou onto the path of Sustainable Development .

  26. 具体工作中严格程序,分级负责,有章可循,把环保工程措施落以了实处。

    Procedures are strictly controlled during specific work , responsibility is partitioned to each level , rules are available to follow , and measures of environmental protection engineering are put into practice .

  27. 膜分离技术大规模成功地应用于海水、苦咸水的淡化、超纯水制备及食品工业、生物工程、电子工业、石油、化学工业、环保工程等领域,是一种高新分离技术。

    Membrane filtration is a high-tech separation technique which was triumphantly and cosmically applied to food engineering , biotechnological engineering , electronics engineering , petroleum engineering , chemical engineering and environmental protection engineering ;

  28. 分析了环保工程总承包项目质量管理中存在的主要问题,提出了提高项目质量管理水平的主要措施。

    Based on the analysis of the major problems existed in the quality management in environmental protection EPC project , this paper presents the major measures to promote the level of the project quality management .

  29. 总结了氮肥生产污水零排放综合治理环保工程项目的实施情况,介绍了工程中的部分创新点及使用效果。

    A sum-up is made of the implementation of the environmental protection project of comprehensive treatment for zero discharge of sewage from nitrogenous fertilizer production , and a presentation is given of some innovative points and results of use of the project .

  30. 本文介绍广州市某生活垃圾卫生填埋场工程的环境保护工艺,突出了该工程防渗系统施工的关键工序和采取的质量控制措施,从而达到了环保工程的优良标准。

    This paper introduces an environmental protection technology of landfill waste site in Guangzhou , and describes the critical process of the leak prevention system construction and the quality control method that has been taken to reach a good standard of the environmental protection engineering .