
  • 网络environmental protection facility
  1. 大力推进环保设施运营服务业的发展

    Push Ahead Vigorously with Development of Service Industry of Environmental Protection Facility Operation

  2. 针对环保设施的故障、噪音污染以及残液、气的环境污染提出具体的技术改造措施,并对存在问题提出今后的整改方向。

    Technical renovation measures for environmental protection facility failure , noise pollution and remnant liquid / gas pollution were discussed . Schemes to cope with existing problems were also proposed .

  3. 四烧环保设施的设计及特点

    Design and characteristics of environmental protection installations at No.4 sintering shop

  4. 积极促进环保设施运营市场化

    Promote Actively the Operation Market Expansion of Environmental Protection Facilities

  5. 建设项目竣工验收监测中环保设施效益分析

    The benefit analysis of environmental protection facilities in the acceptance monitoring of projects

  6. 固体废物公用环保设施市场化的国际经验

    World Experiences on Market Ability of Public Environmental Protection Facilities for Solid Wastes

  7. 从经济、政策和技术方面论述了实施环保设施专业化管理的可行性,对实施环保设施专业化管理提出了一些具体构想,并提出了专业化管理所面临的问题

    Abstract According to the economy policy and technique the feasibility on implementing the

  8. 企业环保设施市场化运营瓶颈的经济博弈分析

    Analysis of economics game on bottle-neck of the market operation of environmental treatment infrastructure

  9. 建立环保设施运营监督管理法律体系的探讨

    Probe into Establishment of Law System on Operation and Supervision of Environmental Protection Facilities

  10. 环保设施社会化管理在珠钢的应用

    The Application of Socialized Management of Environmental Protection Equipment in Zhujiang Iron and Steel Company

  11. 关于编制环保设施竣工验收监测报告书的探讨

    Study on How to Write the Compiling of the Monitoring Report on Environmental Protection Facilities

  12. 环保设施、城市基础设施及一批文化、旅游设施开始建设;

    Construction of EP facilities and urban infrastructure as well as a number of cultural and tourist sites will be initiated ;

  13. 为鼓励商界使用环保设施,政府将为该些设施提供加快的税务扣除。

    The Government will introduce accelerated tax deduction for environment-friendly facilities in an effort to encourage the business community to use them .

  14. 经济选择的一个重要方面是与环保设施与享受传统的经济物品的享受。

    An important aspect of economic choice is associated with the enjoyment of environmental amenities versus the enjoyment of traditional economic goods .

  15. 为降低火电厂排放物对环境的污染,美国采取了一系列污染物排放控制措施,新增了许多脱硫、脱氮设备,并对现有的环保设施进行了改造。

    In order to reduce environment pollution from thermal power plants , advanced combustion and post-combustiontechologies have been taken for many years in U.

  16. 环保设施竣工验收监测报告书的编制应以为环境管理和企业污染防治服务为宗旨。

    The compiling of the monitoring report on environmental protection facilities is aimed to the service of environmental management and pollution prevention and cure .

  17. 报告书应以污染源调查及验收监测分析和环保设施“三同时”执行情况调查和环保设施竣工验收监测分析为核心内容。

    The investigation of pollutant , the analyse of monitoring , the undergoing of the environmental protection facilities must be the key content of the report .

  18. 论述冶金企业搞好环保设施管理的意义,提出了一些管理的办法。

    In this paper , we discuss the importance to strengthen management for environmental protection facilities in metallurgical industry , find a way to manage the facilities well .

  19. 由于没有强制性的环境工程监理制度,建设项目配套的环境工程以及相关环保设施质量得不到有效保证,给企业及社会环境带来较大损失。

    Related environmental protection facilities and auxiliary environmental engineering of construction projects can 't be insured to run normally because of lacking constrained environmental project supervision system which results in bringing enterprises and environment bigger lose .

  20. 介绍湖北洋丰集团利用现有环保设施,对过磷酸钙、硫酸、磷铵3个分厂污水处理系统进行技术改造的具体措施。

    Some measures of revamping , by means of original facilities of environmental protection , on the three systems of waste water treatment in single superphosphate , sulfuric acid and ammonium phosphate plants of the company are introduced .

  21. 通过对生产装置的整改,加强环保设施运行管理,落实环保责任制,完善废水排放规定和废水排放监测体系,实现废水达标排放。

    Through the modification of the production unit , strengthened the operating management of environmental protection facility , carried out environmental protection duty , and perfected waste water discharge rules & monitoring system , to realize the qualified waste water discharge .

  22. 城市环保设施作为国民经济和社会发展的基本要素,其项目建设最应鲜明体现以人为本的发展理念,尽可能考虑人的需求和发展。

    As a significant factor of national economy and social development , the project of urban environmental protection infrastructures should be the typical model to represent the development concept of putting-people-first and to take human needs and development into extensive consideration .

  23. 结合工作实践,归纳了目前建设项目环保设施竣工验收监测报告中存在的几个突出问题,提出了完善竣工验收监测报告的几点建议。

    Basis on the work practice , the article summarized a few key problems existing in current monitoring report for examination and acceptance of environmental protection facilifies of completed project . a few suggestions on improving the monitoring report were put forward .

  24. 尾矿库是矿山企业中十分重要的生产和环保设施,尾矿坝的安全直接关系到矿山生产的正常进行、环境保护及库下游人民生命财产的安全。

    Tailing storeroom is the very important establishment of production and environmental protection in mining enterprises , the security of tailing dam affects directly the steady progress of mining , environmental protection , the security of the downriver people 's life and property .

  25. 提出了适应现阶段国情的环保基础设施建设的准BOT模式融资结构与运作流程,并对BOT模式蕴含的风险进行了分析;

    Bring forward the financing structure and operational flow of quasi-BOT model , and analyse the venture of BOT model ;

  26. 本文结合博兴县污水处理厂实行BOT融资模式,有的放矢的探讨了环保基础设施建设引入BOT机制的积极作用与风险。

    Besed on the carrying out of BOT model of Boxing Sewage Treatment Factory , this article discusses the active effect and risk of BOT model for the environmental protection infrastructure .

  27. 城市环保基础设施投资项目可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Urban Infrastructure Investment of Environmental Protection Project

  28. 利用私人资本进行环保基础设施建设

    Using Private Capital to Promoting Construction of Environmental Protection Infrastructure

  29. 我国城市环保基础设施运营体制市场化改革新探

    System Reform on City Environmental Protection Infrastructure in China

  30. 关于环保基础设施债券化融资的设想

    Bond Financing of Environmental Protection Infrastructure