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  1. 我最近一直忙于了结训练班的事。

    I have been very busy settling up things about the training course .

  2. 他所说的关于短训班的事对你更有吸引力吗?

    Did what he said about the short-term training course appeal to you ?

  3. 现在最忙碌的那一条线吧。我最近一直忙于了结训练班的事。

    " The one that is most in use just at this time . " I have been very busy settling up things about the training course .

  4. 而接送孩子上下学,参加兴趣辅导班等事又将花掉父母们33分钟的时间,晚餐则是需要46分钟的准备时间。

    Collecting the children from school , nursery , childcare or after-school clubs consumes another 33 minutes a day , and preparing and eating dinner takes 46 minutes .

  5. 那你打算做什么?参加艺术班还是做别的事?

    So what are you going to do ? Take up an art class or something ?

  6. 如果班内有什么事,作为班长,你应该告诉班主任老师。

    As monitor , you should let the head teacher know if something comes up in class .