
  • 网络cut;Shap&Cut
  1. 宝石的V形琢型加工工艺

    Processing Technology of V-Shaped Cut of Gemstone

  2. 国际上富有竞争力的宝石琢型

    Gemstones cut full of compete in the world

  3. 对V形琢型宝石的加工工艺、光学效应、视觉效果及市场前景进行了探讨。

    The processing technology , optical effect , visual effect and market prospect of gemstone with V-shaped cut are discussed .

  4. 宝石琢型电脑设计

    Gem Cut Design with Computer

  5. 最大的金刚石和最小的琢型钻石

    The Most of Diamond

  6. 以图文并茂的形式介绍了宝石琢型发展演化的基本过程以及宝石琢型的发展趋势。

    The evolution process of gemstone cut and its developmental trend are vividly introduced with pictures in this paper .

  7. 从定向、琢型、比例、对称程度和抛光修饰度等方面探讨了刚玉宝石的切工质量评价标准。

    At last , the appraising standards of the cut quality of gem corundum are probed from the aspects of orientation , shape of cut , proportion , symmetry and polish .
