
  • 网络Swedish Politics;Politics of Sweden
  1. 政府更迭导致瑞典政治右转,偏向西方;

    The change of government has led to a right-turn in politics and leaning to the West ;

  2. 在瑞典,国家的政治事务是由左翼和右翼的联合政府主导。

    So in Sweden , the political landscape is dominated by a left-wing and a right-wing coalition .

  3. 批评者们争论说:评选获奖者时,起作用更大的不是真实的写作能力,而是该委员会以及瑞典特有的内部政治。

    Critics contend that the selection of the winners often has less to do with true writing ability than with the peculiar internal politics of the Academy and of Sweden itself .

  4. 从某种程度上来说,是瑞典社民党推动了近代以来瑞典政治经济的巨大发展。

    To some extent , it is the SSDP that promotes the Swedish political , economical and social grate development .