
  1. 手表为瑞士制造,拥有防反光、防划痕和抗震的蓝宝石水晶表镜。

    The watch is Swiss made , and features anti-reflective , scratch and shock-resistant sapphire crystal .

  2. 严格地说为手表或运动合法拥有“瑞士制造”在它指定,手表或运动不必作出或组装在瑞士完全。

    Strictly speaking , for a watch or movement to legally have the " Swiss Made " designation upon it , the watch or movement does not have to be made or assembled completely in Switzerland .

  3. MBA:瑞士制造&一个80年代MBA的故事

    MBA Made in Switzerland-A Tale of the 80s

  4. “瑞士制造”的字眼是手表吸引力的重中之重,从4500欧元一块的欧米茄(Omega)手表到40欧元一块的斯沃琪手表都是如此,这让斯沃琪坚持在世界上成本最高的国家之一生产手表。

    The words " Made in Switzerland " are crucial to the appeal of timepieces , from 4500 Omegas to 40 Swatches - leaving the company committed to manufacturing in one of the world 's most expensive countries .

  5. 那些表带是瑞士制造的?

    Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch ?

  6. 欧洲最关键、最具活力的便是瑞士制造业。

    Switzerland 's manufacturing sector is the most vital and robust in all of Europe .

  7. 地道的瑞士制造,即使在最复杂的环境里也会感觉到舒适自在。

    Crafted entirely in Switzerland , it looks and feels at home in the most sophisticated surroundings .

  8. 据路透社8日报道,瑞士制造的一架巨大的太阳能滑翔式飞机完成了首次夜间航行任务。

    A Swiss-made giant glider-like aircraft has completed the first night flight propelled only by solar energy , Reuters reported Thursday .

  9. 当什么事也没发生,而且地球也没有被瑞士制造的某个黑洞给吞噬时,你会记得这一讯息吗?

    When nothing happens , and the earth is not swallowed up in a black hole created in Switzerland , will you remember this message ?

  10. 表带店何时关门?表带店是否即将关门?那些表带是瑞士制造的?

    When does the wristwatch strap shop shut ? Does the wristwatch strap shop shut soon ? Which wristwatch straps are the Swiss wristwatch straps ?

  11. 瑞士制造的一架太阳能飞机星期一清晨从阿布扎比起飞。制造者们希望这架飞机能够首次完成无燃料环球飞行。

    A solar-powered Swiss airplane took off from Abu Dhabi early Monday on the first leg of what its creators hope will be the first around-the-world journey without any fuel .

  12. 欧洲奢侈品行业的高管们称,中国消费者喜欢追逐那些贴着“意大利制造”、“法国制造”标签的商品,或者“瑞士制造”的手表。

    European luxury goods executives report that shoppers from China home in on goods labelled made in Italy , made in France or , for watches , made in Switzerland .

  13. 答:中国市场怀表实际上是专门为亚洲市场制作的怀表,最初是18世纪在英国制造的,后来是整个19世纪在瑞士制造的。

    A. If you 're looking for Chinese-market pocket watches , you 're actually looking for something that was made specifically for the Asian market , either in England during the 18th century , and then in Switzerland throughout the entire 19th century .

  14. 首先,这对深化中瑞经贸合作是重大利好,将使各项制度和政策更加透明,使各具优势的中国制造和瑞士制造更容易进入对方市场,给两国企业和消费者都带来好处。

    It will make our rules and policies more transparent , and help made in China and made in Switzerland products , each competitive in their own ways , gain access to the other sides market more easily , and bring benefits to the companies and consumers of both countries .

  15. 掌握需求的变化,是瑞士钟表制造公司的第二个制胜法宝。

    Recognition of changing demand has been the second Swiss trump .

  16. 瑞士钟表制造业就是一个典型的例子。

    Switzerland 's comparative advantage in watch making is typical example .

  17. 从西班牙到瑞士的制造企业都发现,很难在国内招募到高技能员工,长此以往,这种趋势将会影响企业的发展。

    Manufacturing companies from Spain to Switzerland are finding it hard to recruit high-skilled employees domestically , a trend that could affect growth in the long term .

  18. 因此德国及瑞士的制造类企业都希望其在中国的合资或独资企业也能拥有适合中国的工时标准。

    Wherefore , these German and Swiss enterprises hope their factories and joint ventures in China use the similar software based on a suit of man-hour sort standards and calculation methods which is fitting Chinese manufacture level .

  19. 巴塞尔和洛桑两城也是瑞士重要的制造中心。

    The cities of Basel and Lausanne are also important manufacturing centres .

  20. 我未能观看瑞士钟表的制造。

    I did not have a chance to observe how a Swiss watch is made .

  21. 秀丽壮美的湖光山色每年都吸引了许多游客。而且瑞士的钟表制造业,巧克力和乳酪,以及银行业也驰名世界。

    Its magnificent mountains and lakes draw many visitors each year , and it is famous around the world for its clock-and watch-making industries , its chocolate , its cheese and its banking system .

  22. 格拉叙提原本是能与瑞士匹敌的钟表制造重镇,直到欧洲二次大战的终战日,俄国的轰炸使此地大型制表厂毁于一旦。

    Glashuette was at the heart of a watchmaking industry that rivalled Switzerland 's until Russian bombers destroyed its main workshops on the day World War Two ended in Europe .

  23. 与此同时,瑞士政府似乎决心要精确“瑞士制造”的定义。

    Meanwhile the Swiss government seems about to tighten the definition of " Swiss-made " .