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  1. 在安德里森看来,Skype是一块璞玉,一家有史以来少数能产生网络效应的科技公司之一。

    To Andreessen , Skype was a potential gem & one of the few great network-effect tech companies ever created .

  2. 在这个过程中,璞玉一定是很痛苦的。

    In this process , Puyu must be very painful .

  3. 奇石、璞玉之理想校园&清华大学美术学院设计构思

    The Design of Art Institute of Tsinghua University

  4. 孩子们好像未琢的璞玉,是待完成的精品。

    Children are raw jade waiting to be carved into great works of art .

  5. 他把这块璞玉拿去奉献厉王。

    He put the diamond to offer king .

  6. 只有自己努力来雕琢这块璞玉,才能使它成为完美无瑕的艺术品。

    Only their efforts to carve the diamond , can we make it a flawless artwork .

  7. 杰克聪明可靠,但缺乏礼节&他是一块尚待塑造的璞玉。

    Jack is intelligent and trustworthy but lacks manners & he 's a diamond in the rough .

  8. 他还是块璞玉,但没人比弗格森更清楚应该如何开发年轻球员的潜力。

    He is raw but no manager knows better than Ferguson how to let a player mature .

  9. 珀西说他提拔了你这个默默无闻的小卒,他认为你是一块璞玉。

    Percy says he plucked you from obscurity and he thinks you 're a diamond in the rough .

  10. 但他说这里有天赋问题,曼联能够发现璞玉。

    But he says that going off first instincts , the Reds may have found a diamond in the rough .
