
wǎ dāng
  • eaves tile
瓦当 [wǎ dāng]
  • [eaves tile] 古代檐口滴水瓦的瓦头,上面多有图案或文字

瓦当[wǎ dāng]
  1. 瓦当图案经过临摹与变形,含入不同的装饰中,既大篇幅又若隐若现。

    Eaves tile design after copy and distortion , including into different decoration , both the great length and is partly visible .

  2. 并对西汉云纹瓦当纹饰上的基本构成元素之间的组合关系进行详细论述。

    And it explains the combination relation of the elementary composed elements of decorations of the clouded eaves tile ornament of Han dynasty .

  3. 汉代瓦当艺术的美学特征

    Han Dynasty tile is the esthetics characteristic of with art

  4. 云纹瓦当在洛阳地区的发展与演变

    The development of Sectional Tiles with Cloud Pattern Luoyang Area

  5. 瓦当艺术在现代环境艺术中设计中的应用研究

    The Studies on Eave Tile in the Modern Environmental Design

  6. 论秦汉文字瓦当的形式艺术

    A Discuss on the Modal Art of Qin Han Eaves Tiles with Characters

  7. 齐瓦当的艺术形式特征

    The Art Features of Qi Eaves Tiles

  8. 汉代瓦当和玺印中的均衡设计

    The Balanced Design of the Ancient Eaves Tiles and the Royal Seals of Han Dynasty

  9. 漫谈瓦当的装饰艺术

    On the Decoration Art of Tile Ends

  10. 陕西瓦当深含着中国传统文化和哲学思想。

    The tile ends in Shaanxi Province boasts deep traditional Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese culture .

  11. 东周时期的瓦当在中国瓦当史上占有极其重要的地位。

    Tile-end of eastern Zhou dynasty is very important in the history of Tile-end of China .

  12. 瓦当艺术是古代建筑设计与生产工艺相结合的装饰艺术。

    Vatan Art is a kind of decorative arts that combined ancient architectural design and manufacturing technique .

  13. 瓦当虽小,却是中国特有的土木结构建筑屋面的重要组成部分。

    Small as they are , the eaves tiles are the important components of the Chinese featured civil architecture .

  14. 在汉朝尤为突出的建筑成就是大量的木作与各类的瓦当技术的成熟。

    In the Han Dynasty outstandingly the construction achievement is the massive carpentries and each kind of eaves tile technology maturity .

  15. 瓦当和其他艺术一样,也是一定社会经济形态的反映。

    Like other forms of art , the art of tile ends is also a reflection of the social and economic structures .

  16. 在经济全球化的今天,瓦当纹样所体现的中华传统文化精神的魅力,仍然影响着现代艺术设计作品的创作。

    In economical globalization today , Chinese traditional spirit charm which eaves tile grain type manifests , is still the basic for modern art design .

  17. 其它书法遗存包括各地出土的十六国时期镇墓瓶、衣物疏、瓦当等。

    Other remaining calligraphy works are found on tomb-repressing bottles , garments and tiles from the period of sixteen kingdoms around all over the country .

  18. 洛阳东周两汉时期的瓦当资料多来自于当时的建筑基址、烧窑、灰坑和墓葬中。

    Chinese eaves tile materials of the Eastern Zhou and the Han Dynasties in Luoyang came from the building base location , burning kilns , burning hole and grave at that time .

  19. 瓦当是我国古代建筑中常用的屋檐筒顶端下垂的特定部分,主要功能是防水、排水、保护屋檐。

    Eaves tiles were the common specific drooping parts on the top of the eave canister in our ancient architecture , their functions were waterproof , dewatering and the protection of the eave .

  20. 然而作为建筑装饰元素的瓦当,见证了中国建筑的发展,瓦当当面装饰的内容因时因地以及建筑类型的差异而千变万化。

    However , meanwhile , Vatan , as elements of architectural decoration , also witnessed the development of Chinese architecture . The decoration on the surface varied greatly with time , land and style of the buildings .

  21. 中国古建筑主要是以木结构为主体发展起来的,作为宫殿、寺庙、房屋等建筑的主要使用材料,瓦当的发明与使用,是中国建筑史上的一个创举。

    Ancient Chinese buildings were mainly based on wooden structures . As the main material of palaces , temples , houses and other buildings , the creation and usage of Vatan is really a pioneering work in the history of Chinese architecture .

  22. 因此,探究秦汉瓦当纹样对现代图形设计的影响,如何给现代图形设计以启示和借鉴,这是本文的撰写目地。

    Therefore , the study of the influence of the Qin and Han Dynasty eaves tile grain type on the modern graph grain type design , caused by inspiration and the model for the modern graph grain type design is this article writing goal .

  23. 当然,瓦当的意义并不仅仅在于作为一种收藏品,作为古代建筑的一部分,瓦当的制作工艺、材质、以及当面上的花纹和文字都成为可以作为科学分析的依据。

    Of course , the significance of Vatan lies not only as a kind of collection , but as a part of ancient buildings , its production process , materials , patterns and letterings on the surface have become a basis for scientific analysis .