
  • 网络Dina Campion;sweet taste and neutral nature;Harold Camping
  1. 甘草酸二铵在治疗急慢性肝炎中的疗效观察结论甘平胶囊是一种见效较快的保肝药物。

    Conclusion Diammonium glycyrrhizinate capsule is one of the effective drugs on the therapy of liver lesion .

  2. 目的评价甘平胶囊治疗抗结核药物所致肝功能异常的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of diammonium glycyrrhizinate capsule on medicamentous liver lesion by antituberculosis drugs .

  3. 鸡内金性味甘平,归脾胃,小肠,膀胱经。

    Gallus gallus domesticus of sweet flat , owned by the spleen and stomach , small intestine , the bladder .

  4. 妊娠期宜服食物多为甘平清淡、滋养气血之品,妊娠所忌食物多可损及母体、有碍胎孕。

    Pregnancy should be serving food , mostly light , can nourish the blood thing . The bogey of pregnancy can hurt the parent more than the food , impede Breeds .