
  • 网络Consumer Electronics Show
  1. 在今年的消费者电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsshow)上,来自台湾的AiQ公司展示了一款衬衫产品,声称它可以测量穿着者的心率等生物信号。

    At this year 's Consumer Electronics Show , a Taiwanese company called AiQ showed off shirts that it said could measure things like heart rate and other biometric signals .

  2. 预计时尚的设计将成为下周拉斯维加斯消费电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)的一个重要主题。

    Stylish design is expected to be a key theme at next week 's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas .

  3. 消费类电子产品展大都追求炫酷。

    So much of what CES has been about is the cool .

  4. 今年1月份,华硕电脑在国际消费电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上发布了TransformerBookDuetTD300,该设备能在平板电脑与翻盖式笔记本电脑的形态之间自由转换。

    The Taiwanese company unveiled the Transformer Book Duet TD300 , which converts from a tablet to clamshell-style laptop , in January at the Consumer Electronics Show .

  5. 另外,LG将在2008年国际消费电子产品展上展示该项“移动手持”技术。

    LG will demonstrate the'mobile pedestrian handheld'technology at the2008 International Consumer Electronics show .

  6. CES2013国际消费电子产品展吸引了成千上万的技术爱好者们。

    Technology enthusiasts gathered by the thousands for CES 2013 .

  7. 上周在拉斯维加斯举行的大型国际消费电子产品展(CES)上,RIM还展示了它为PlayBook开发的新软件。

    At the giant Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week , it unveiled new software for the PlayBook .

  8. 英特尔首席执行长科再奇(BrianKrzanich)在国际消费电子产品展上发表主旨演讲时展示了华硕的这款可转换设备。

    Brian Krzanich , Intel 's chief executive , showed the Asustek convertible device during his CES keynote .

  9. 每年1月,科技迷们来到拉斯维加斯参加国际消费者电子产品展(InternationalCES)。世界上最大的一些公司会在这个电子设备狂和极客的大集会上展示他们对未来的最佳畅想。

    Technology fanatics descend every January on Las Vegas for the International CES , a colossal gathering of gadgetry and geekery where some of the world 's largest companies show off their best ideas for the future .

  10. 今年1月在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费类电子产品展(CES)上,物联网的概念更是被渲染到极致,900多家公司展示了联网产品。

    It reached a peak this month at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas , where more than 900 companies exhibited connected products .

  11. 在消费电子产品展(consumerelectronicsshow)在拉斯维加斯举行之际,蓝光的竞争对手、以东芝和微软为首的hd-dvd阵营,上周末取消了很多计划进行的促销活动。

    Leaders of the rival HD DVD camp led by Toshiba and Microsoft over the weekend called off a number of promotional events that had been planned as the consumer electronics show gets under way in Las Vegas .

  12. 法拉第没有给出多少细节,但公司计划1月4日在拉斯维加斯的的科技贸易展会消费者电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上推出一款概念车,并希望最早在2017年上市一款车。

    Faraday has offered little detail on its plans , but the company intends to unveil a concept car on Jan. 4 at the Consumer Electronics Show , a technology trade show in Las Vegas , and it hopes to bring a car to market as early as 2017 .

  13. 全球移动大会可能不像每年1月份在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)那么有名,但是多年来它已经从欧洲电讯业高管和电讯供应商参加的贸易展逐步转变为电子产品和科技公司展示自己的全球性舞台。

    It may not have the cachet of the Consumer Electronics Show , held each January in Las Vegas . But MWC has over the years transformed itself -- from largely a trade show for European telecom executives and telco suppliers , into a global showcase in its own right for gadgets and tech companies .

  14. 每年CES国际消费电子产品展期间,他和在洛杉矶做企业的兄弟罗伯特都会组织晚宴,邀请众多科技界和娱乐界的朋友参加。

    Every year at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas he and brother Rob , a Los Angeles entrepreneur , hosted a dinner for their many , many friends in the technology and entertainment industries .

  15. 哈斯廷斯在电话上的谨慎态度与其数小时前在国际消费类电子产品展(InternatinalCES)上挥斥方遒的姿态截然相反。在拉斯维加斯的这次消费电子展中,他宣布Netflix在其世界服务版图中一举增加了130多个国家。

    Mr. Hastings 's cautious demeanor on the phone was in contrast to the more commanding pose he struck hours earlier when he announced at International CES , the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas , that Netflix had simultaneously added more than 130 countries to its world service map .

  16. 消费电子产品展展览的热销产品还包括网络电视和高清数据流视频设备。

    Hot items at the Consumer Electronics Show also included Internet TVs and devices to stream video onto existing high-definition sets .

  17. 本周,消费电子产品展在拉斯维加斯开幕,这款内置感应器与远程低功率无线电系统的概念产品惊艳亮相。

    Launched this week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas , the concept combines the sensors with a long-range , low-power radio network .

  18. 在英国高科技电子产品展一项基于1500名成年人的调查中,那些使用自拍杆的人还被列为第四大科技罪恶。

    People who used selfie sticks were also listed as the fourth biggest tech sin in a poll of 1500 adults for The Gadget Show Live .

  19. 其中的一些理由在夏皮罗一直用来指称这次展会的名称中已经有所反映――国际消费类电子产品展,他从来不说消费类电子产品展。

    Some of the reasons are reflected in the name Mr. Shapiro always uses in referring to the event & the International CES , never the Consumer Electronics Show .

  20. 球迷将获得一个在所有新的TRON先看看:传统风格的玩具和电子产品圣地亚哥动漫展下月。

    Fans will get a first look at the all new TRON : Legacy-inspired toys and electronics at San Diego Comic Con next month .