
  • 网络uestc;university of electronic science and technology of china;uestc.edu.cn
  1. 本文结合电子科技大学承担的项目“高速数据发生器”,围绕“GPIB程控电路设计”这一课题展开研究。

    The dissertation carries out research on the subject & design of GPIB circuit which is the sub-project of High Speed Data Generator taken on by UESTC .

  2. 本文对电子科技大学的国家精品课程“数字信号处理”建设与实践进行了一些分析、探讨和总结。

    In this paper , we discussed the construction and practice of " Digital Signal Processing " course which is one of the first batch of MOE content courses in UESTC .

  3. DPFS(DistributedandParallelFileSystem)是电子科技大学8010研究室自主开发的分布式并行文件系统。

    DPFS is a Distributed and Parallel File System developed by 8010 research lab .

  4. 本文以西安电子科技大学电路CAD研究所科研项目电源管理类集成电路关键技术理论研究与设计为背景,对单片高效电压模同步升降压型DC/DC转换器的工作原理和电路设计作了全面深入的研究。

    The paper is based on the project of Research Institute of Electronic CAD , Theoretical Research and Design of Key Technique for Power Management IC .

  5. 二者的整合过程就是对信息流、物流、资金流、目标市场和服务电子科技大学MB人硕士论文等核心要素进行整合协调,以期达到效率和市场覆盖率的最大化,同时避免冲突失控。

    The integration process of two channels is to integrate and harmonize the core element include information stream . Logistics streams .

  6. 西电网苑智能答疑系统是对上述设计运用JSP进行WEB程序开发的一种实现,是在西安电子科技大学网络教育学院的实施和应用。

    Xidian Wang Yuan Intelligent Question Answering System , which is the implementation and application in School of Network Education , Xidian University , is a implementation , which WEB program is developed by JSP .

  7. AIDER是由中国电子科技大学机器人研究中心负责研发的。

    AIDER was developed by the Center of Robotics at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China .

  8. 依照西安电子科技大学立式MOCVD原型建立立式反应室模型,并模拟了反应室中流场、温度场分布和生长速率分布。

    Secondly , model for the vertical MOCVD reactor of XiDian University was set up . On the foundation of the model , the flow field , temperature field and growth rate velocity distribution can be simulated .

  9. 在以上材料实验的基础上,结合HFSS软件仿真结果,可以知道如果电子科技大学硕士毕业论文材料的磁导率较高,同时损耗较小,有利于天线尺寸减小带宽增大。

    According to the experimental results of material and emulational results of HFSS , the rule that if the material with high permeability and low loss can reduce the size of microstrip antenna and broaden the bandwidth .

  10. 此外,高效混合电子科技大学博士论文滤波器组ADC系统的量化噪声研究结果表明其有效分辨率比其ADC提高在基本放大器近似为单向有源网络的前提下,求得了四种反馈放大器的简洁条件。

    By simplifying the ADC system , a specific kind of high effective hybrid filter banks ADC system is proposed too . Under the circumstances that the basic amplifier is approximately a one-way active network , the simplifying conditions of four basic types of feedback amplifiers are derived .

  11. GT公司是95年,以成都电子科技大学几位同学研发的IC卡公用付费电话为基础成立的一家为电信运营商提供电话付费终端及管理系统的通讯公司。

    The establishment of GT Company is based on the IC telephone developed in 1995 by several students of Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology . It is a communication company whose main business is to provide telephone terminals and management systems for telecom operators .

  12. 通过对电子科技大学男子篮球队参加CUBA有关身体条件与技术统计数据与CUBA优秀球队技术统计数据的对比,重点讨论身体条件、人员安排、进攻与防守数据和比赛胜负的关系。

    Through the comparison between body condition and technique statistics of the men 's basketball team of university of electronic science and technology of China and the excellent teams of CUBA , the paper discusses the relationship between body condition , personnel arrangement , attack , defence and the result .

  13. 为培养学生的创新能力,推进教学改革和适应素质教育的要求,西安电子科技大学国家电工电子教学基地面向全校开设了OrCAD与EDA课程,主要讲授美国OrCAD公司推出的电路设计自动化软件OrCAD9.2。

    In order to cultivate students ' ability of innovation , improve the reformation of teaching and adapt the requirements of diathesis education , that The National Electrician and Electron Teaching Base of The Xidian University offers a new course named " OrCAD & EDA " .

  14. 电子科技大学物理电子学院理论与计算机模拟教研室采用有限元方法编写了微波管模拟器套装软件MTSS,该软件已经在国内各主要制管单位得到了广泛的应用。

    The microwave tube simulator suit ( MTSS ) is designed with the finite element method by Theory and Computer Simulation Laboratory of University of Electronic Science and Technology , and it has been applied in microwave tube producing institutes of domestic .

  15. 电子科技大学,成都,中国。

    University of Electronic Science and Tech , Chengdu , China .

  16. 《电子科技大学学报》2006年1~6总目次

    Journal of University of Electronic Science and technology of China contents

  17. 电子科技大学成都学院

    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu College

  18. 结合实际加快高校体育教育改革的步伐&电子科技大学体育教学改革探析

    Quicken Physical Education ' reform Steps Combining with Realization in High School

  19. 本人是杭州电子科技大学本科生。

    I was an undergraduate of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology .

  20. ①电子科技大学成都;

    University of Electronicl Science and Technology , Chengdu ;

  21. 加强基础、培养能力、提高素质、突出创新&电子科技大学近代物理实验教学改革的探索与实践

    Strengthening Foundation , Cultivating Ability , Enhancing Quality and Giving Prominence to Innovation

  22. 新兴技术管理的新思维和新方法&电子科技大学新兴技术管理学科发展研究成果综述

    Review of the Research on New Thoughts and Methods of Emerging Technology Management

  23. 电子科技大学光电子技术系

    Department of Opto-Electronic Technology , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  24. 《桂林电子科技大学学报》作者索引

    Journal of Guilin University of electronic technology author indexes

  25. 电子科技大学联合实验室的建设与成效

    Construction and effect of united laboratory in the University of Electronic Science and Technology

  26. 本研究课题得到西安电子科技大学网络教育学院管理信息系统项目的支持。

    This research topic has obtained warm support from MIS of Xidian Univeristy Network Education School .

  27. 五月份,来自桂林电子科技大学的三名学生注册了一个微信账号。

    Three students at Guilin University of Electronic Technology launched an account on WeChat in May .

  28. 然后回到电子科技大学集中式消防监控系统中,对网络化的消防广播系统的需求和可行性进行分析论证。

    Then the needs and feasibility of the network fire fighting broadcasting system have been analysed .

  29. 熊健,毕业于成都电子科技大学电子与机械专业,硕士学位。

    Xiong Jian , graduated from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology with a master degree .

  30. 西安电子科技大学微电子研究所

    Microelectronics Institute of XIDIAN University