
diàn zǐ yóu jiàn dì zhǐ
  • E-mail Address;mailto;MailAddress
  1. 首先你需要申请一个电子邮件地址。

    First you need to get an e-mail address .

  2. 提供Web站点管理员电子邮件地址。

    Provide an e-mail address for the Web site administrator .

  3. 每个学生都得到一个自己的电子邮件地址。

    Each student has been given their own email address .

  4. 每个学生都得到一个自己的电子邮件地址。

    Each student has been given his or her own email address .

  5. 所有的组员都相互交换了电子邮件地址。

    Everyone in the group exchanged email addresses .

  6. 他们每个人都有自己的电子邮件地址。

    They each have their own email address .

  7. “为什么不把网吧的一个电子邮件地址公布出去呢?”某个聪明人建议道。

    ' Why not give out one of the cybercafe 's e-mail addresses ? ' suggested one bright spark

  8. 所以在2014年,一场重大决战正在形成:银行、执法部门和科技公司都在试图阻止正在成功窃取账号、姓名、电子邮件地址和其他用于身份盗窃的关键数据的黑客网络。

    That 's why 2014 is shaping up as a major showdown : banks , law enforcement and technology companies are all trying to stop a network of hackers who are succeeding in stealing account numbers , names , email addresses and other crucial data used in identity theft .

  9. 谈话结束时,经纪人让他留下了电子邮件地址。

    At the end of the conversation , the broker asked him for his email address .

  10. 允许管理exchange电子邮件地址生成策略。

    Allow management of the exchange email address generation policies .

  11. 电子邮件地址就像Web服务器目录中的符号链接一样易得易用。

    E-mail addresses are almost as cheap as symbolic links in your Web server directory .

  12. 您将需要提供一个有效的电子邮件地址,这样就可以把您的key到其中。

    You 'll need to give a valid e-mail address , to which your key will be sent .

  13. 输入要添加到该列表的电子邮件地址或internet域名。

    Enter an e-mail address or Internet domain name to be added to the list .

  14. 此属性包含此邮箱的windows电子邮件地址。

    This property contains the windows e-mail address for this mailbox .

  15. 若要验证您的电子邮件地址,您必须使用pc。

    To validate your email address you must use a PC.

  16. 如果对于给定的合作伙伴没有电子邮件地址,就返回一个空的String。

    If there is no email address for a given partner , an empty String is returned .

  17. 这家名为DigitalShadows的公司发现的细节信息,包括来自这1000家企业的97%的员工的企业电子邮件地址及密码。

    Digital Shadows found details including corporate email addresses and passwords from 97 per cent of the 1000 companies .

  18. 未验证passport电子邮件地址。

    The passport e-mail address has not been verified .

  19. 其他人可能在注册passport时错误地输入了您的电子邮件地址。

    Someone might have mistakenly typed your e-mail address while registering for a passport .

  20. 虽然可以使用日益有效的方法来检测和丢弃垃圾邮件,但许多人还是通过不在Web上发布其电子邮件地址来试图避免接收垃圾邮件。

    While increasingly effective measures for detecting and junking spam are available , many people attempt to avoid receiving spam by not publishing their e-mail addresses on the Web .

  21. 大多数LDAP服务器模式支持包含用户电子邮件地址的属性。

    Most LDAP server schemas support an attribute holding the user 's email address .

  22. 此功能只能用于电话号码、电子邮件地址或url。

    This feature may only be used with a phone number , email address , or url .

  23. cpp在有电子邮件地址的地方利用该功能。

    CPP leverages this feature where there is an e-mail address .

  24. IBM在各种SSO解决方案中常常使用电子邮件地址,包括处理IBM目录。

    IBM uses the e-mail address for various other SSO solutions in addition to dealing with the IBM directory .

  25. 没有XX的电子邮件地址。

    There is no email address for XX .

  26. 如果对于一个符合条件的客户,DB2没有找到电子邮件地址,那么对于这个客户就不返回任何信息。

    If it doesn 't find an e-mail address for a qualifying customer , it won 't return anything for that customer .

  27. 电子邮件地址中以这些域为结尾的所有人员都被认为已经使用了能够理解HTML的邮件阅读器。

    Anyone whose e-mail address ends in one of these domains is considered to use a mail reader which understands HTML .

  28. B2用户输入电子邮件地址和密码。

    B2 User enters an email address and a password .

  29. Cookie也存储个人可识别信息,例如姓名或电子邮件地址。

    Cookies may also store personally identifiable information , such as your name ore-mail address .

  30. 如果一切正常,那么从emaillookup文件中提取出用户的电子邮件地址。

    If all is OK , then the e-mail address is extracted for that given user from the email_lookup file .