
  • 网络Electronic sales;E-Sales;Electronic Sell-Through;e-distribution
  1. 而下载的美丽新世界(又名电子销售)明年将是好年头。

    And the brave new world of downloads ( a.k.a. electronic sell-through ) - well , tune in next year .

  2. (华纳兄弟对于波特系列的中止发行并不包括视频点播或者游戏之类的数字及电子销售)。

    ( Warner Bros. moratorium on Potter will not include digital Electronic Sell-Through and VOD or games ) .

  3. 企业储运销一体化电子销售平台采用先进B/S结构设计,数据库采用双机容错CLUS-TER技术,保证了运行的可靠性。

    The electronic sales platform for storage-transportation-sales integration in enterprise is designed with advanced B / S structure , double computer fault-tolerance CLUSTER technology is used for database , which ensured the reliable operation .

  4. 储运销一体化电子销售平台的设计与实现

    Design and realization of electronic sales platform for storage-transportation-sales integration

  5. 南京那特电子销售有限公司绩效管理体系的建立

    The Establishment of Performance Management System in Nanjing Light

  6. 基于强化学习的电子销售市场动态定价研究

    Dynamic Pricing in Electronic Retail Markets by Reinforcement Learning

  7. 面对来自电子销售的竞争唱片总量急剧下降。

    Total music recordings are down considerably due to the competition from digital sales .

  8. 里维埃拉电子销售的所有的电子设备以里维埃拉海洋销售网络和售后服务为后盾的。

    All electronic equipment sold by R Electronics is backed by the R Marine distribution network and after sales services .

  9. 北京市强业电子销售有限公司是一家专门从事兴办实业,国内商业,物资供销业,进出口业的贸易型公司。

    Is a company specializing in industrial projects , domestic commercial , material supply and marketing , import and export trade company .

  10. 本文所设计和开发的电子销售系统是国际合作项目,其产品已经投入使用,效果良好。

    The electronic sales system designed and implemented is a cooperative project , which has been put into use and has good performance .

  11. 探讨了传统的服装零售模型和电子销售模型的优缺点,指出样品陈列模型可以结合传统零售模型和电子销售模型的优点,产生更大的收益。

    Traditional model and electronic retailing model of apparel retailing have both advantages and disadvantages . The sample showing model can combine the strengths of both models so that more profits can be gained .

  12. 中小型汽车企业电子商务销售系统是为了满足汽车生产企业和汽车经销商供需关系,而设计并实现的B2B电子商务销售平台。

    So , a Business To Business E-commerce sales platform which is developed to design and implement .

  13. 同时,现有电信智能卡管理模式难以满足支撑3G电子化销售平台实现统一销售、号码共享、销售激活的要求。

    Meanwhile , the existing telecom smart card management difficult to meet the 3G support the reunification of electronic sales platform sales , number of shares , sales activation request .

  14. (Chirpify对电子图书销售的影响应该会更大。)

    ( chirpify would likely influence e-book sales even more . )

  15. NPD公司对美国零售电子产品销售情况进行追踪,定于今日公布相关数据。这些数据将证实,自美国圣诞购物季从黑色星期五开始以来,这类产品销量大增。

    The firm , which tracks US retail electronics sales , is due to release figures today confirming the jump in sales since the Black Friday start of the US holiday shopping season .

  16. 鸿海精密更为人熟知的名字是富士康(Foxconn),其大多数生产工厂设在中国大陆。面对劳动力成本上升以及部分电子产品销售疲软的形势,该公司一直在想方设法提高利润率。

    The company , better known as Foxconn , has been fighting to improve its profitability amid rising labour costs in China , where it runs most of its factories , and weak sales of some electronic devices .

  17. 这是中国最畅销智能手机的制造商,依赖电子商务销售,但最近看到其领先地位被竞争对手如Oppo和Vivo缩小,后两者有更多的线下经销。

    It was the top-selling smartphone in China and relies on ecommerce sales , but it has recently seen its lead eaten away by competitors such as Oppo and Vivom , which have more offline distribution .

  18. 罗琳的一位发言人说,她还没有决定新小说要在pottermore还是在一系列电子书店销售。

    A spokesman for Ms Rowling said she had not decided whether to sell the new novel through pottermore or through a range of eBook stores .

  19. 据“eMarketer”的数据,中国近一半的电子商务销售都是在移动设备上进行的,总值5057亿美元。与之相比,美国在移动设备上进行的电子商务销售仅占总量的四分之一。

    Nearly half of all China 's e-commerce sales , totaling $ 505.7 billion , are made with mobile devices , versus roughly one-quarter in the U.S. , according to eMarketer .

  20. 一种新的电子软件销售和产权保护模型

    A New Model for Electronic Software Distribution and Copyright Protection

  21. 中国百强电子企业销售网络

    The vendition network of the top 100 electronic enterprises

  22. 该方案特别适用于具有大量移动终端的电子彩票销售网络。

    The proposed scheme is suitable for lottery sale systems with many mobile users .

  23. 到2019年,中国的移动线上销售将占电子商务销售总量的71%。

    By 2019 , China 's mobile sales will account for 71 percent of those sales .

  24. 第四章主要说明的是在电子产品销售企业中应用竞争情报存在的问题。

    The fourth chapter basically means is in the electronic products sales enterprise application competitive intelligence existing problems .

  25. 我公司培养高素质的员工队伍,苦练内功,让蓝盾电子科技销售产品做的更好。

    Our high quality staff training , hard skills , to sell Blue Shield of electronic technology to do better .

  26. 具有军工,电子行业销售,技术支持及研发经验者优先考虑。

    Relevant sales experience in R & D , war industry , electronics industry Sales , technical support is preferred ;

  27. 基于一种非对称公钥叛逆者追踪方案给出了新的电子软件销售和产权保护模型,适用于一类需要安装运行的软件。

    A new model for electronic software distribution and copyright protection based on an asymmetric public-key traitor tracing scheme is designed .

  28. 眼下有迹象显示,在市场份额被电子图书销售蚕食多年之后,实体图书市场正在企稳。

    This comes amid signs that the market for physical books is stabilising after years of being eroded by ebook sales .

  29. 电子香烟销售作为烟草替代品“创造愉快的吸烟环境”,而不是被当作药物来使用。

    Electronic cigarette sales as tobacco alternatives to " create a pleasant smoking environment ", rather than being used as a drug .

  30. 有关部门说,这家钱庄由36岁的陈惠专在其一大家人的协助下经营,她曾从事过电子产品销售工作。

    They said it was run by Chen Huizhuan , a 36-year-old former electronics saleswoman , with the help of her extended family .