
  • 网络battery operated
  1. 手机游戏基本上都是基于触摸屏的,要靠电池驱动。

    Mobile experiences are almost always touchscreen-based and battery operated .

  2. 电动汽车基础设施制造商BetterPlace日前宣布了与中国汽车制造商签订的首项协议,中国有潜力成为未来电池驱动型汽车的最大市场。

    Better Place , the electric car infrastructure company , announced its first deal with a carmaker in China , potentially the biggest future market for battery-powered cars .

  3. 美国汽车公司通用汽车(gm)将在年底推出一款部分采用电池驱动的混合动力车型。

    General motors , the US car company , will launch a hybrid partially battery-powered vehicle by the end of the year .

  4. 事实上,只有靠电池驱动的聆风(Leaf)能代表日产汽车,而这块业务与其说是生意,不如说是爱好来得更恰当。

    In fact , it is difficult to think of any vehicle that symbolizes Nissan except for the battery-powered leaf , and that is more a hobby than a business .

  5. 对于当今应用越来越广泛的便携式电子设备,如手机,MP3等等,均是由电池驱动的。

    The application of portable electronic equipment , such as mobile telephone , MP3 player , is becoming more and more popular .

  6. 周三,丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)发布了最新款汽车,希望在绿色汽车开发的下一个阶段,与特斯拉汽车公司的电池驱动汽车展开竞争。

    Toyota Motor Co. TM Wednesday unveiled the car that it expects to go toe-to-toe with Tesla Motors Inc. " s TSLA 1.89 % battery-powered ones in the next stage of green vehicle development .

  7. 该公司于2004年创办,其创始人由罗素?赫恩斯比(RussellHornsby)以前曾成功推出了一个由电池驱动的喷雾器。

    It was founded in2004 by Russell Hornsby , an entrepreneur whose previous success was a battery-powered sprayer .

  8. 上周,一组通用汽车的工程师们对8辆电池驱动的Volt汽车进行了测试,从密歇根东南部开到匹兹堡,为期3天,共1200英里。

    This week , a team of GM vehicle engineers is testing eight battery-powered Volts on a three-day , 1,200-mile drive from southeast Michigan to Pittsburgh .

  9. GTbyCitroen搭载由燃料电池驱动的电动马达,不但实现了强劲的马力输出,同时还实现了废气零排放。

    GT by Citroen carried by the fuel cell-driven electric motor , not only to achieve a strong horsepower output , but also achieved a zero-emission exhaust .

  10. TFT-LCD以其低功耗、低工作电压、无辐射、易于实现大规模集成化生产、轻巧等一系列特点,已经被广泛应用于手机、PDA等由电池驱动的便携式电子仪器中。

    Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display has been widely used in portable electronic devices such as mobile phone and PDA , which are supplied power by battery for advantage of low power , low driving-voltage , non-emissive and portable .

  11. 常见的RTLS实现使用电池驱动的标签和一个内置的无线电发射器以及一个位置传感器阵列。后者被部署到所监视领域的各个位置。

    A common RTLS implementation uses battery-powered tags with an onboard radio transmitter , along with a matrix of location sensors that are deployed throughout the area being monitored .

  12. 电子香烟:中国北京的电子公司Ruyan研制了一种由电池驱动的电子装置,当你吸它会散发尼古丁。

    E-CIGARETTES : Electronics company Ruyan of Beijing , China , has come up with a battery-powered electronic device that delivers nicotine when you puff on it .

  13. 燃料电池驱动的自主机器人控制系统实现

    Implementation of Control System of Fuel Cell Powered Autonomous Robot

  14. 基于32位微控制器的燃料电池驱动机器人系统控制研究

    System Control for PEMFC-Driving Robot Based on 32 Bit Microcontroller

  15. 由电池驱动以微机械技术制造的气体传感器的功耗是十分关键的实际问题。

    The power consumption of battery-driven micro-machined gas sensors is more critical .

  16. 节能减排助推车载电池驱动汽车的未来

    Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Promoting On-board Battery and Powering the Automotive Future

  17. 尽管如此,燃料电池驱动汽车的梦想仍不会与世长辞。

    Regardless , the dream of fuel cell-powered vehicles just won 't die .

  18. 这台发动机是由太阳能电池驱动的。

    The motor is powered by a solar battery .

  19. 它由1.7万个太阳能电池驱动。

    It is powered by 17000 solar cells .

  20. 这架精致的锡制飞机翼展有18.9英寸,由电池驱动。

    It is a finely worked tin model with battery operation and a wingspan of18.9 inches .

  21. 正在规划中的下一个项目是一种电池驱动的较大一些的家庭汽车。

    The next project in the pipeline is a bigger family car running on electric batteries .

  22. 这款电池驱动的“漫游者”太空车的行驶速度可达6每小时英里(10公里)。

    The battery-powered rover travels at speeds of up to 6 mph ( 10 kph ) .

  23. 比如,小松公司用电池驱动的工具代替了非常耗电的气动装置,还引进了其他节电技术。

    Komatsu has replaced power-hungry pneumatics with battery-powered tools , for example & and introduced other power-saving technology .

  24. 目前,以电池驱动的电动汽车已经研制成功,但是一次充电行程较短,缺乏实用性。

    Now there have been some kinds of commercially available auto powered by batteries , such as lead-acid .

  25. 例如,一个用电池驱动的标签,可能会被附加到所跟踪的生产资源或人员上。

    A battery powered tag , for example , might be attached to the item or person being tracked .

  26. 鉴于电力发动机对化石燃料的严重依赖,电池驱动的汽车真的会减少总体排放量吗?

    Given the heavy reliance of electricity generators on fossil fuels , would battery-powered vehicles really reduce emissions overall ?

  27. 日本驾驶员将会在全球率先使用大型汽车制造商提供的电池驱动汽车。

    Drivers in Japan will be the first in the world to be offered battery-powered cars by large carmakers .

  28. 在牛津大学克拉伦登实验室中有一个靠电池驱动的电子钟,自1840年来一直在发出声响。

    In the Clarendon Library at Oxford University sits a battery-powered bell that has been ringing since the year 1840 .

  29. 以将来消费者选择的角度,生物燃料或者电池驱动汽车的价格会比汽油动力更有竞争力。

    The biofuels or batteries that will power cars in the alternative future should beat petrol at today 's prices .

  30. 另一个电池驱动的设备植入皮肤下控制刺激的释放,它类似心脏起搏器,但较小一些。

    A battery-operated device implanted under the skin , which is similar to a heart pacemaker but smaller , controls the stimulation .