
diàn rè
  • electrothermal;electrothermic;electric heating;electric heat;heat with electric energy
电热 [diàn rè]
  • [electric heating;electrothermic;electrothermal] 通过阻碍电流的流动把电能转换成热能的任何方法

电热[diàn rè]
  1. 基于PLC的电热前床自动化控制改造

    Improvement of Automatic Control on Electric Heating Fore Well by Using PLC

  2. SnO2:Sb电热膜的性能及应用

    Properties of sno_2 : sb electric heating films and their application

  3. 其独特的电热元件使它能够煮出非常美味的咖啡。

    With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee .

  4. 无绳电热水壶现在可能是多数厨房的固定设备。

    The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens .

  5. 不要过多地使用电热器具弄头发。

    Don 't overuse heated appliances on you hair .

  6. 我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。

    I hope you don 't think I 'm extravagant but I 've had the electric fire on for most of the day .

  7. 电热器用电太费。

    An electric heater consumes too much electricity .

  8. 本电热恒温水槽,不锈钢内胆、具有调节器

    This Electro-Thermostatic Water Cabinet is with stainless steel inner and adjuster .

  9. 基于PLC的电热连续结晶机温控系统

    Temperature Control System of Electrorefining Successive Crystallization Machine Based on PLC

  10. 恒流作用下V型半导体桥电热特性研究

    A Study on the Galvanothermy of V Type Semiconductor Bridge under Constant Current

  11. USB鞋用发热膜,电热布,加热片。

    USB shoe heating film , electric cloth , heating film .

  12. SiC电热元件的高温失效分析

    Failure Analysis of SiC Electrical Heating Element at High Temperature

  13. 低脆性FeCrAlY电热合金的研制

    Development on Fe-Cr-Al-Y Alloys with Low Brittleness

  14. 电热蒸发ICP-AES法测定ZrO2中Fe,Al和Ni

    Determination of Fe , Al and Ni in ZrO_2 by Electrothermal Vaporization ICP-AES

  15. PAN基碳纤维毡的电热性能

    The Electro-thermal Feature of PAN-based Carbon Fiber Mat

  16. 300kA铝电解槽三维电热场电位ANSYS分析

    Analysis of 3D Thermo - electric Field Potential for 300 kA Aluminum Electrolysis Cell Using ANSYS

  17. 动态数据交换与JAVAapplet技术在电热连续结晶机Web虚拟仪器系统中的应用研究

    The Study of Dynamic Data Exchange and Java Applet Technology Applying to Crystallization Machine Web Virtual Instruments System

  18. 基于PSD的电热油炉智能控制系统

    The intelligent control system of oil-heater based on PSD

  19. 掺杂CeO2对制备SnO2电热膜电学性能的影响

    Effect of Doping CeO_2 on Properties of SnO_2 Electrothermal Film

  20. 带PTC发热元件的电热器具额定输入功率测定方法的探讨

    Investigation on the Rated Power Input Measurement for Appliances with a PTC Heating Element

  21. 电热固液蚊香的研制与应用球形芽孢杆菌C(3-41)地方株制剂控制城市致乏库蚊的现场效果评价

    Preparation and Application of Electric-solid-liquid Mosquito Incenses Large Scale Field Trials of Bacillus sphaericus ( strain C_ ( 3-41 )) Local products against Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquito Larvaes in Wuhan City

  22. 应用电子显微镜、X射线衍射技术,对低温长期使用的铁铬铝电热合金进行分析。

    Using electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques , the structure changes of Fe-Cr-Al alloy being used at low temperature for a long time were investigated .

  23. 运用能量法推导并建立了一种V型悬臂粱电热微致动器的力学模型。利用该力学模型得到了致动器的力学特性,并且与相关的实验结果进行了对比。

    A novel mechanical model is described for predicting the static behaviour of the V shaped cantilever thermal actuator , in which the energy approach is employed .

  24. 电热爆炸喷涂法制备NiAl基合金涂层

    Electro - thermal Explosion Plasma Spray Coating of NiAl base

  25. 采用TGS热释电热像仪与计算机配合的数据读出及处理系统;

    TGS pyroelectric thermal image instrument and computer data processing system ;

  26. Fe3Al电热合金抗渗碳性能的研究

    A Study on the Carburizing Resistance Property of Fe_3Al Electrical Heating Alloys

  27. SnO2透明电热膜成膜研究

    Research on Fabrication of Electro-Thermal Transparent SnO 2 Film

  28. 石墨炉电热蒸发进样与ICP-AES联用技术研究&仪器装置及其分析性能

    Study on the Technique of ICP-AES by Using Electrothermal Graphite Furnace as Sample Introduction Device & Device and Its Analytical Performance

  29. LDMOS的局部电热效应分析

    Analysis of Local Electro-Thermal Effects of LDMOS Power Devices

  30. 本文介绍了电热化学炮VXI测控系统的集成技术。

    This paper presents a way of software integration of VXI measure control system .